Chapter 3

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I stood by the door, inside the mansion and I watched as Josh held the smirk that once more warned me, Ella wasn't going to like this.

"What do you mean?" Ella asked, rushing behind Josh as he walked back inside the mansion.

I saw Josh's smirk widen as he made his way towards me. I already knew what he had to say without him even saying it. Being loyal to him, being his right hand and growing up with him...I knew his every move.

"Tell Lana to fix her a room. She'll be a house maid during the day, work at the club at night and be mine when I want" Josh simply listed.

I nodded "Shall she start now?"

Josh nodded before taking a few steps "Oh and Nicolas" he stopped for a second "Keep her away from the two rooms"

I nodded once more before watching him make his way upstairs as Ella stood lost in front of me. "What does he mean 'mine when I want' and why can't I be around 'two rooms'?"

I sighed. 'Mine when I want' meant he'll have her in his special playroom full of sex toys and rough things. A place where no one knows exists but Josh, Lana the house maid and I. The only three trustworthy people in the mansion and the only three that hold Josh's secrets. If Lana and I didn't know Josh when he was a boy, no one would understand him. He's rough, aggressive and heartless and would kill anything that moves if he wants. I, myself didn't like the view of the playroom. It would only frighten me if I ever get to see what he does in there rather than just hear.

The two rooms were the playroom and the basement.

The basement is where he tortures his enemies. There's dangerous equipment, weapons and tons of blood everywhere.

But she shouldn't know any of that. I just take orders and accomplish my duty.

"I don't know, I just do as I'm told" I lied as I walked to the kitchen where Lana was cooking. "Lana" I called, keeping an eye on Ella as she followed close behind. "This is Ella, Ella meet Lana"

"Hello dear" Lana smiled as the foundation that covered her wrinkles crumpled.

Ella nodded "Hi"

"Lana, Ella is going to be around more often. We need a fixed room and clothes. She'll help you around during the day and at night you must prepare her for work at the club" I cleared my throat "Oh and Lana..." I narrowed my eyes "Keep the baddies unsaid but fill her in with a little"

Lana nodded as she approached to meet Ella close up.

As Lana and Ella got along in the kitchen, I made my way upstairs and into Josh's office. I waited for him to get off the phone as he sat behind his desk before telling him what was urging to come out.

"What is it?" he said, placing his phone down.

"Josh I think it's too much. Keep playing around with the ladies that want to be played, don't fool with an innocent homeless"

Josh cleared his throat and tapped his fingers on his desk in such a daunting way. "But when did you begin to tell me what to do?"

"Josh, I know you more than anyone. She's only young. She escaped the cruel world out there to find protection and shelter, yet you want to-"

"Enough!" Josh groaned.

I gulped.

"I do as I please" he sighed "Be it meaning, I hurt her as bad as I want, even if it leads to her being down in my basement"

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