Chapter 4

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"Did you serve the guards their dinner?" Lana asked, wiping down the kitchen.


"Did you clean the bathrooms?"


"Did you-"

"Lana" I sighed "I may look dumb, I know I'm new, I know it's a lot to do but I done everything you have asked me to"

"I'm just checking" Lana smiled "It's time"

"For bed?"

"No" she said, placing the kitchen towel down as she turned to face me. "For tonight's shift"

"But we cleaned everything?"

"The club"

I frowned "Right, I forgot. Not like it would be any worse than this"

Lana gasped, gazing into my eyes as if she wanted to disagree and tell me it was going to be much worse, but instead she ignored that last line and led the way upstairs to my new 'room'.

"Can you give Nicolas a call from the tip of the stairs before you enter?"

"Sure" I nodded, turning back around to the stairs. "Nicolas!" I yelled.

It wasn't long until Nicolas rushed through the entrance door like I was calling him to rescue me. He looked up at me with shock in his eyes like I was in danger but then took a long breath once he saw how calm I was. "What's wrong?"

"Are you alright?"

He nodded "Fine" he simply added, fixing his suit.

"Lana asked to call you?"

"Oh" Nicolas said, turning around and clicking his fingers twice before having a bag placed beside him. I watched as he picked up the big black bag and walked upstairs towards me, handing it to me. "I'll be dropping you off at the club, I'll be waiting outside"

"Wait" I said, gripping the heavy bag tight "What's in here?"

"Ask Lana" he said, making his way back down.

I held it into the room and handed it to Lana as she stood by the long, wide mirror. "What's in the bag?"

"You're club clothes"

"Oh" I gasped "Do I wear a nice waitress outfit?"

Lana gulped, that gulp that kept telling me she disagreed deep down but didn't intend to tell me. She placed her hand into the bag and pulled out, what I assumed was known as a 'black lingerie corset'.

I froze, guzzling. "That's my outfit?"

Lana nodded.

"I will not go half naked to that stupid club. No"

"It covers the important bits of your body-"

"NO!" I yelled.

"Ella, please-"

"NO! I will not wear that stupid thing" I walked over towards the bag, thinking it wasn't just big without a reason. I placed my hands in and pulled out a flogger. I held it for a second before placing it back down into the bag.

Flashback starts.

"You wouldn't like to be flogged will you?" the man said.

I stood there in a bikini, shivering as I shook my head.

"Do something" the other man said.

"No, wait" the man with the flogger said. "I want to whip her"

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