Chapter 26

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"Come again" I waved the gun around like some drunk person.

"I'm pregnant" she whispered, careful for no one to hear.

"come again"


My first thought was walking away. I did, only to find myself rushing towards Nicolas. I grabbed his collar and shoved him up against the wall. I felt my eyes blur from anger, anger yet disgust.
"Why!" I yelled at him.

"What?" Nicolas frowned up against the wall.

"She's like a sister to me you know that. I told you don't try to sleep with her until you're official!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Josh" Emily ran towards us. "Josh"

I let go of Nicolas and turned to face her. I shook my head, feeling weak as my eyes covered in tears that refused to release.
"Who?" I groaned.

"I...I don't...know"

I sighed, rubbing the side of my face with my gun. "I sent you on a trip for a few weeks and you come back pregnant?" I whispered in anger.

Nicola's jaw dropped. "Pregnant?" his voice trembled.

"I'm sorry" Emily continued to cry.

Turning around, I leaned against the wall. Taking deep breaths and comprehending everything.

"Who?" Nicolas whispered.

"It was some guy...some...he lured me into this...this one night..."

Nicola's was heard. I haven't heard him release tears in years. Since we were kids maybe.
"I loved you, Emily" he whispered "You had me wait years, chase you for years. I was patient. have you...lose yourself with...a stranger?"


I looked at Nicolas, his eyes quickly transforming to a bright red as tears raced down. He was weak, for the first time in a while.


He shook his head and walked away. Past me and out of the hospital building.

Emily's legs wobbled. I walked towards her and wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into my chest as I held my gun in my other hand beside me.

I kept her tight on my chest, pressing down the back of her head as she cried. I kissed the top of her head and sighed.
"It's okay" I lied.

It's fucking stupid. People I only care about, the triangle and Emily, I can't even protect them.
I can't even protect the people I love. Yet they ask why I'm so fucked and the way I am.

"It's okay" I kissed the tip of her head.


I arrived home, my tie undone, my top three buttons unbuttoned, my hair in a mess and alcohol in my hands.
Lana was at the hospital with Ella and Emily. I wasn't sure if Emily was going to break the news but all I wanted right now was to not think.

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