Chapter 18

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


I stood in my room by the window, drinking.
I could hear Ella's voice, Nicolas and Ruby.

Maybe I just forgot to tell Ruby to go home...or maybe I just planned it.

When I found her I told her 'two days I let you breathe, while I suffocated'
Though that was a lie. Did she really think I could last two days without sex?
Well it was nice to have Ruby around.

"Josh!" Nicolas called.

I grabbed the bottle of vodka as I held the half full cup in my other hand.
I made my way out of my room and towards the scene.

"Who the fuck is she?!" Ruby stood in Ella's room, by her bed.

"I'm Ella, who the hell are you?" Ella frowned.

And maybe I did fuck Ruby in Ella's so called room.
Well either that was the plan or I fucked up.

"Josh" Nicolas sighed.

I took a sip of the vodka before refilling the cup.
"Ruby go home, Ella go do some housework or something" I simply said.

"Home?" Ruby's voice got a little too aggressive "Housework?"

Ella was looking for answers but I didn't think about telling her anytime soon. The next thing I need is a cat fight and some tears, who I predict will come from Ella.

"I want answers, Josh" Ruby crossed her arms over her chest as she tapped her leg.

I put the bottle of vodka on the counter followed by the cup.
I sighed and cleared my throat "One, get the fuck out Ruby. Two, Ella go make yourself useful or some shit"

"Ofcourse!" Ruby rolled her eyes "As always. Fuck me, then go all bipolar and force me to leave. Honestly why did you call me?"

My eyes were connected with Ella's. I couldn't read her, mixed emotions transitioned through her eyes.

"Fuck?" Ella chewed the inside of her mouth "So how many is there?"

I sighed aloud in frustration and rubbed the back of my head before straightening my suit. "There are none. She was satisfying me since you left"

"Since you have her to satisfy you, why do you need me?"

"Oh" Ruby interrupted "You're sleeping with her?"

Great. I thought she would just show herself out of my house and Ella would go cry herself to sleep. Simple.

"You fucking whore!" she yelled at Ella.

"I'm not the only one sleeping with him" Ella was quick to fire back. Okay maybe calling Ruby a whore too was a savage thing.

"Look at you!" Ruby pointed at Ella "You're full of these ugly scars, you're body even looks swollen and you look terrible for a bed scene"

Ella's scars were hidden but the ones around her collarbone and hand were exposed.

Nicolas and I looked at each other. That was a pretty rude comment. I mean, if i'm fucking her with those scars, I don't see myself complaining about them. Besides, they make me appreciate her more.

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