Chapter 33

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"Nothing major. Those wounds seem to have accepted a lot of bacteria and she lost a little blood. I've attached the pump, we have blood flowing into her, I cleaned the cuts...that's all I could do. Let her rest, is all I can say"

"Thanks Doctor" I nodded.

"Are you sure you don't know what equipment was used to cause such a wound?"

I shook my head "No"

The doctor nodded. "The other one refused to let me see him, so I think my job is done"

"Thank you"
I instructed one of the guards to show the doctor out as I just watched Ella sleeping. These pipe thing transferring blood into her body from this bag, her cuts stitched up and covered and her body bruised.


I left her room and made my way to Josh's office. He was sitting on his desk, wrapping his own arm.

He chewed the inside of his mouth as he gazed at me, turning the white cloth around his arm, once, twice and until he tied it tightly down.

"I nicked you" I dryly said.

"You still shot me" Josh groaned.

"Oh come on, you barely flinched. It was like I never did" I walked towards him.

"You still shot me"

"Ella could've died!" I sighed, rubbing the back of my head "You whipped her with a whip that's covered in dry blood from previous victims, which could've killed her. You bruised most of her body, her head has several lumps...I mean" I sighed once more "We could've lost her"


"And?!" I laughed in anger "We didn't agree to this. She's meant to be a submissive. Nothing more and nothing less"

"Then why is she doing things out of her range? Looking after us like we require her fucking care? Why did Greg say to me 'she's good in bed'"


"Greg said she's good in bed" Josh's anger was hidden but shown in his eyes.

"Are you fucked?" I laughed "That's utter bullshit. If he means that he fucked her, how did she bleed when you did?!"

"It's not that"

I narrowed my eyes and gawked at him.
"You can't control yourself, can you?" I sarcastically said.

"Oh fuck off Nicolas" Josh moved away from his desk and walked over towards the rack of alcohol. It was only then I realised his upper body was covered in a little amount of blood and his track pants too.

"You almost killed her out of your own desire?"

"Fuck off Nicolas" he poured himself a full cup of whiskey.

"Just because you got jealous, you almost killed her?"

"I don't need to listen to your bullshit" He gulped the entire cup only to fill another.

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