Chapter 39

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I lied. I lied. A big, big, big...lie.

I was never raped. Greg didn't touch me.
So far Josh is the only one who has seen all of me.
I lied. I did.

Greg said if I didn't help him destroy Josh and bring him off his throne, Emily and her unborn child are going to face death. If I opened my mouth and told Josh what Greg was planning, death will come to anyone in the house or one by one...they will die.

I've heard Josh is powerful, smart and possessive. Though I don't know if it's worth risking it.

Poor Emily, I don't want her hurt, or her unborn child.

I had the choice between this family or myself. I chose the family. I don't like seeing anyone in pain. No one deserves pain.
I on the other hand, know all about pain. It's ok if I suffer a little more. It's ok. It is...I guess.

Right now, all I have to do is help Greg get Josh of his throne and they all get to live. Otherwise, call for help but see someone die.

The door opened wide as Josh walked in with a frown. I sat under the blankets on the bed and gulped.

"I'm not as dumb as you think, Ella" Josh groaned in somewhat calm posture yet anger.

I gulped once more. What does it take for him to understand, I'm all over the place here.

"You have to talk to me, tell me. I can help" Josh walked in before Nicolas appeared behind him.

"Nicolas" I whispered, missing him slightly.

Nicolas only looked away and stood a foot behind Josh. Why was he looking away? Oh no Nicolas, don't blame yourself. Please. I'm sorry, I'm doing this for this family, for you, for your family...for Emily...

"Ella" Josh called, snapping me out of a daydream. "I don't believe you've been raped" Josh said in somewhat concern.

"I-" I cleared my throat. I don't want to break down again. I don't want to beg him to leave, I don't to ache for his touch and warmth but end up sobbing for him to leave me alone but want him to hold me tight at the same time. "Josh" I whispered, biting the inside of my mouth, holding back my drained body from crying anymore.

"I don't want to hurt you no more, Ella" Josh sighed. "I don't want to drag you to the basement just for you to answer me honestly"

"I..." Not the basement, please. I'm doing this for you! Is all I wanted to yell. "I told you the truth" I whispered.

"So explain what happened to the bug that was on your strap, or how your body has no sign of fighting back"


"You always fight, Ella. You put up a fight whether it's bringing you to sex or a soft kiss. You fight. I refuse to believe you didn't put up a fight with the guy who has hurt you before"

Hurt me before. You know he did. You brought this upon yourself. I'm going through all this because of you. If you never handed me over, I wouldn't be in such a situation where all your lives are on my hand.

I hate you.
I want you.
I hate you.

"Ella" Josh sighed once more.

"He hurt me"

"Tell me what happened!" Josh finally snapped. "I want to know if I'm meant to sit here and lend you a fucking shoulder or take a mans life. Tell me what the fuck happened so I know who the fuck deserves to live and who the fuck deserves to die!"

"Josh" Nicolas stood beside him.

"No" Josh looked at Nicolas. "I'm tired of this family falling part like Lana said. I'm not going to point fingers at you Ella" he looked at me "And blame you for this family falling apart but if you tell me, if you fucking speak, this wouldn't be happening. Talk to me!" Josh panted in anger "Tell me who I should...protect you from, who I should kill, who I should watch for"

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