Josh's Private Chapter Two

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I didn't take my mothers death so easily for a while, it's been 8-years, and everyday is the same thing.

"Look Josh" Nicolas sighed "I've been with you since birth, you live next door. I know my dad can't do much, but we need to get you help"

"I'm fine" I said, secretly drinking the vodka inside of my water bottle in class.

"Look at your scars" Nicolas said, pointing at the scar on my collarbone.


"Josh as a friend since birth, let me help you"

"You can't help" I said, trying to keep my voice down as the class watched something about business.


"Give up Nicolas" I said.

As the bell rang, I walked home with Nicolas, he entered his house as I prepared to enter mine.
Once I walked in my father yelled, with the sound of a drunk women with him. "Aye fuck face" he called.

"Yeah?" I said, removing my shoes by the door.

"Cook us something"


"Don't fucking talk back" he said from the lounge room.

"Okay" I whispered.
I went to the kitchen, as I began to cook something, after several minutes the drunk women left and my father came into the kitchen.

"What's this?" he said.


"Don't you know how to fucking cook anything else!"

"We don't have anything"

"Shut up!" he ran his hand against the table, allowing everything to fall to the ground.

"Where's your work money?"

"I'm paying for school"

"Where are they?!"

"I need to pay my school fee-"

He picked up the boiling spaghetti on the stove and spilt some onto my legs.
I gasped and groaned, but no tear or cry escaped my lips. As the pain I became used to.

"I'll pour on your head! Where are they?!"

"Here" I said, pulling out enough money to live on for a day.

He snatched the small amount of money and walked away. "Fucking cook us something good"

We had nothing. All these ingredients I bought with the small wage of money I received from working at the local movies. I couldn't pay for my school fees, soon they were going to kick me out.

As my father left, I left and went over to Nicolas' place.

"How are you son?" Henry asked.

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