Chapter 22

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Mature - (A Little) Read at your own RISK !


I can do this, I know I can.
Get him addicted to me, walk out on him, until eventually I'm on his throne and his the one begging.


Am I really capable of this?

"She's here!" Nicolas straightened his suit.

"Who?" I said, cleaning the kitchen.


"Who?" I frowned.

"How do I look?" He stood in front of me.

I walked around the bench and grabbed hold of his tie. I fixed it, perfecting his collar before his jacket.

He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled.
"Emily is Lana's niece, she works here with Lana. She was just on holiday visiting a friend" he whispered.


"She's amazing, you'll love her" he chewed the inside of his mouth.

"As much as you?" I raised an eyebrow.

He probably didn't notice that he was blushing a light pink.
Oh Nicolas, you deserve the best.

The doorbell buzzed which was something new around here, usually everyone just storms in and out.

Lana rushed down the stairs in her work clothes but with a touch of extra makeup.
Nicolas rushed beside her and cleared his throat.

Lana smirked, raising an eyebrow before opening the door.

"Emily" she smiled.

"Lana" Emily's voice was all I could hear. "Nicolas"

"Emily" Nicolas cleared his throat once more.

Beautiful, straight, shoulder length hair, naturally shaped cat eyes, slim yet tall and white.

She looked over at me as I stood awkwardly by the bench. Both sending smiles, I immediately knew she was going to be just as sweet at Lana.

"I'll take them" Nicolas grabbed hold of her two bags and made his way upstairs.

"This is Ella" Lana walked my way.

Emily walked towards me, letting out a hand "It's nice meeting you"

"Likewise" I shook her hand.

Nicolas has every right to be falling for such a girl.

"You work here?"

"Ugh...yeah. Well, here and the club" I bit my bottom lip.

"Oh, that's interesting" she smiled.

"Emily" Josh walked in from behind her, dressed in grey track pants and a white shirt, exposing his chest as somewhat sweat covered it.

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