Chapter 9

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


I ran my fingers across her thigh. The thigh I whipped several times. She shivered and twitched when my fingers ran over the red marks.

She remained tied up. Her hands above her head, half naked in just a bikini. She panted, her face covered in tears, drying up.

Was she giving up?

She kept her head down and her hair covered her face.

Then it hit me.
I wanted to see her. I wanted to see more then just her flawless, soft body.

I lifted her head up, grabbing hold of her chin. I dropped the whip and removed the hair away from her face.
Her eyes were shut, tightly.

"Open your eyes" I whispered, our faces inches apart.

She opened her eyes.

She had soft skin, Yes. But her puppy eyes and bulked lips said more to me.
This girl was missing pieces. Hurt.
Hurt by me? No.

She was hurt before we even met.

I wanted to fuck her. Yes. I did. I wanted to fuck her, here and now. I want her virginity.

But I also wanted to see her, read her.

She was something, different.
All the women I sleep with are all over the place. They enjoy me pleasuring them, fucking them.

Mariella. Mariella Jones. Ella.

She had a past, a painful past I'm guessing. I wanted to know all about it, I wanted to read all about it and I wanted to see through her.

She seemed different to me, almost determined to succeed on something I have no idea about.

I was going to read her, fix her or shape her into something I want, something I need.

But I'm going to do it my way.

"I'm going to untie you" I let go of her chin and reached up for her hands. "But remain obedient"

I untied her and she collapsed into my arms. She straightened herself in struggle, just to get off me and away from me.
She rubbed both her wrists and avoided eye contact.

"Lay down"

She looked up at me. Her hazel eyes, surrounded red in colour from tears. "Lay?"

"On the ground"



I watched as she sat down on the cold, hard ground and laid back. She kept her eyes on me and watched as I removed my suit jacket, loosened my tie and unbuttoned the two top buttons on my shirt.

I walked towards her and sat down, getting onto my two knees. Through my pants the ground was foggy, cold and hard.
She gripped her legs shut, panting lightly.

I leaned forward and as I touched her, she loosened her body. I kept my eyes locked within hers as I parted her legs, widely.

I curled my fingers on either side of her pantie and slowly pulled them down. My fingers running along her soft skin that covered in goosebumps. As her panties and my fingers arrived at her ankle, I removed them and placed them in my back pocket.
I saw her struggle to keep her hands beside her as she had the urge to cover her spot, her sex.

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