Chapter 35

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"Where are you taking me?" I wiggled with my hands tied behind me back, sitting in the backseat.

"You have nothing to worry about" Greg smiled.

"Besides the fact I'm being kidnapped by a rapist?"

"Josh was the one who handed you over" he shrugged, turning a corner.

"He doesn't even own me" I sighed.

"Oh trust me little one, we all know Josh when it comes to owning something. He owned you"

"So what are you going to do now? Pull over, rape me to death and throw my body somewhere until someone walking by finds me?" I sarcastically said.

"Sounds like a good idea, but no. We need you alive"


"Fernando and I" he sighed, annoyed with my questions.

"I'm worth a penny"

"You're worth a fortune"

"So sweet" I rolled my eyes.

"To destroy Josh"

"Destroy him yourself" I frowned.

Greg sighed once more and pulled up at a mansion. He stopped by the entrance door and aggressively got out. He opened the back door and pulled me out, grabbing a bunch of my hair in between his hands, causing me to groan. He pushed the door shut, and slammed me against the car. He forced me to turn so that my back was facing him.
He pushed himself against my backside, running his hand up through my pyjama top. I wiggled and tried to shove him off. Greg wrapped a hand around my throat and leaned in "Soon"
He moved away, grabbed my tied hands and forced me inside the mansion.

The guards here were different. They weren't dressed in suits or class. Just some casual outfits.

The mansion inside wasn't so clean and bright like...home.
It was slightly all over the place and a little dark. Not much white, gold, red or black. Just...dark.

"Oh, there she is" Fernando walked in, with a cigar in his hand. "Untie our guest"

Greg untied me and pushed me into Fernando's arms.
He caught me and ran a hand down the side of my face. I raised my hands and shoved him away. Greg grabbed my arm and I tried shoving him too but his grip was hard.
"Let our guest go"

Greg looked at Fernando and let me go. I took a few steps back towards the entrance door.

"Out there, my guards are ordered to do what ever they want to you if you are seen outside" Fernando put the cigar in his mouth.

I took his words as lies and took my chances. I jogged outside, only to have many eyes on me. Some smirked and some began heading my way.
Behind me, a hand grabbed me and I gasped. Shoving an old looking man, I panicked.

Greg grabbed my other arm and forced me back inside. "Are you asking to be raped?"

"What do you want?!" I groaned at Fernando who stood by the stairs.

"Just you to do what you did for"


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