Chapter 15

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2 days later...

I ended up trading the diamond for money the next day. I also booked a hotel room for a few days, bought some clothes and ate meals I've always wanted to try.

I had only escaped for two days and it felt weird. Freedom. Being free didn't rather fit well. Why couldn't I accept it?

I tried being normal as much as I could. Cooking, cleaning and trying to sleep at night. Though every time I shut my eyes, continuous eyes would just flash through my mind.

Dream starts:

"I don't want the pain" I said, noticing myself cry.

Greg held the knife by my face as he positioned above me, keeping me still on the bed.

"You're mine, you know that?" Fernando stood beside him. "But I'm going to let my guard fuck you first and then he could hand you over to me"

"Please" I tired to wiggle beneath him.

I heard and saw them both unzip their pants.
"Don't fight it" they laughed.

"Please!" I yelled, trying to wiggle.

Their hands moved off their zippers and reached out to grab my face.

Dream ends.

I sat up and looked around, only to thank the one above that it was only a dream.
I rubbed my face a few times and took a deep breath. Leaning over to my bedside table, I switched on my lamp.

I gasped, covering my mouth before I could yell.

I pulled the blanket up tight against my chest and moved my hand away from my mouth.
"'d you find me? How'd you get in?" I whispered.

He held a cup of alcohol in one hand, his suit jacket on the ground beside him as his sleeves were rolled half way and three button were open at his chest.
His hair wasn't fixed to perfection as always, instead it was messy.
His eyes were dark as they connected with mine.

"That doesn't matter right now" he said, standing up off the couch that positioned by the bed and walked over to me.

I didn't know what to say.
Get out?
Leave me alone?

I knew he was going to find me, eventually.

"What do you want?" I continued to whisper, making sure the blanket covered me as I slept in just a bikini.

"Do you know what time it is, Mariella?" he stood by my bed. "It's 3am"


"Two days I let you breathe, while I suffocated"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you're in pain, you wanted rest" he took a sip from his cup. "So I let you escape, so I wouldn't have to fuck you, endlessly. Though I soon knew it was a mistake"

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