Chapter 8

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"Ella" Lana frowned.

I knew Lana didn't like to be questioned or repeating herself. "Fine" I gasped, grabbing the tray of food "I'll take him the damn food"

Lana shook her head, biting her bottom lip like she was trying to hide her smile. I shook my head and frowned as I made my way upstairs towards Josh's office.
"Nicolas" I called as he made his way past me.

"Ella" He nodded "How are you feeling?"

"Besides the lack of sleep and endless thoughts...fine. Yourself?"

Nicolas faked a smile that didn't reach his eyes "Very well. I'll see you soon"

I nodded, continuing my way upstairs. I walked over towards Josh's office, noticing the door slightly open. Behind it, chatter. I didn't mean to disturb so I pushed the door slowly open with my side and made my way in. Beside the desk, Josh faced the window and spoke on the phone.
"Well tell him...No...When...Right...Well tell him I don't care..."

I placed the tray of food onto his desk and turned to rush out.
I froze, turned right around towards him and gasped.
"I'll call you back later Dylan"

He placed his phone down and put each hand into his suit pants pocket.
"I didn't-"

"Did Nicolas not tell you to knock at all times?"

I gulped "I'm sorry, I-"

"I want you to prepare for the club soon. Tell Lana, new set of clothing. I'm speaking a little closed, modest. Tell her a bartenders clothing. Nothing to show too much"

"Why did-"

"Then after the club...I want you to prepare for tonight, after the club"



"Why am I changing my clothing for the club and what's tonight?" I twiddled my fingers in front of me.

"Because you're mine now. I don't want anybody else to see what I own. Now leave"

I rushed out. Just those words alone covered my body in goosebumps. 'I own'
I had to escape. What was tonight that he didn't speak much of? Was he going to do that...that thing to me again?
I power walked away from his office, downstairs and into the kitchen. "Lana" I called.

"Yes" she responded, wiping the kitchen bench top.

"I want to leave. I want to go back to the streets. Please, Lana"

Lana sighed aloud, stopping what she's doing and turning around to face me. "Ella-"

"I don't want to hear it unless your going to help me escape"

Lana gasped, shaking her head. "I'm sorry"

I felt a tear drop. A warm, slow and long tear. I shook my head back at her. I felt like I was dead, strangled. Who are these people, how could they get away with this, why was that animal such a wicked man?
I turned around and ran. I ran past the guards by the kitchen, the lounge, the stairs and the door. I opened the entrance door wide and ran out. I made it towards the gate and scanned it to try and open it.
Behind me, chatter through a mic  between a guard and someone.
I couldn't find the gates opening or locks to undo.
"HELP ME" I yelled, wrapping my hands onto the bars. "SOMEONE PLEASE!"

Fast footsteps arrived behind me, I tried to shake the gate hoping something would happen. Big, muscular and cold hands grabbed my arm. I looked over my shoulder as two guards grabbed either side of me. "Please open the gate" I whispered.

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