Chapter 31

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The following morning, Josh wanted to talk, talk about Greg. Though I wasn't too sure why he wanted to talk here. The playroom.

"I thought you wanted to talk?" my voice was soft, full of hidden fear.

"We are" he said, fiddling with a few things in the corner of the room.

"Why here?" I awkwardly stood by the bed.

"Would you rather the basement?" he turned to face me with thin ropes.

"I'm being punished?"

"Undress" he walked towards me.

"Why am I being punished!" my voice finally decided to appear.


"I didn't-"

Josh tossed the ropes onto the bed before pushing me back to fall onto the bed. He grabbed my shirt and ripped it open.

Someone was angry.

"I hate repeating myself" he groaned, aggressively removing my top and bra before my pants and pantie.

"Why am I being punished?" I frowned, laying there naked.

He grabbed my arm and forced me back up to stand. Dragging me to the middle of the room, he tied my hands to the metal holes above me before separating my legs and tying them to the metal circles on the ground.

"I deserve an explanation" I sighed.

He removed his suit jacket, rolling up his shirts sleeves before walking to the rack of whips. He ran his fingers along the whips, grabbing a medium thick black one, with three thin leather slips on the end.

That's new.

"Rules are rules" Josh ran his fingers along the whip as he walked back towards me. "For every time I ask a question, the longer you take, the more whips. If you hesitate, I whip. You lie, I whip. You change the topic, I whip"

"What?" I gulped. "What's going on"

"Punishments are still part of our agreement. Spanking you was the softest one"

I felt the whip travel around my body, slowly yet traumatising.
"Mariella" he whispered, walking around me in circles.

"Yes" I whispered.


"Yes, Mr Hutson"

"How do you know Greg?"

"I don't-"

The way my body jerked said enough. That quick whip was like three whips in one lash.
That wasn't fair.

"How do you know Greg?"

"I don't-"

Again, on my back, just beside the previous one.

"How do you know Greg?"

Think, think, think.
Lie, lie, lie.

"When I was homeless, he was one of the men who touched me for money!" I quickly said within a second, lying.

He whipped me.

"Lie, whip" Josh whispered in full calmness. "How do you know Greg?"


He whipped.

"How do you know Greg?"

"Stop" I panted.

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