Chapter 32

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"I don't" I whispered.

I don't know if I could last any longer, it's been three rounds of rough sex and torture with his sex equipment.

Josh tossed a white silky robe at me, forcing me into it. I stood there panting, looking at him like I was having my last breathe.

He was so angry, almost like I tired to kill him as he stood there in a grey pair of track pants, shirtless.

Josh grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, I pulled back, shoving him. "Stop"
He then went to grabbing my hair, pulling and dragging me behind him. He aggressively forced me out of the room and downstairs.
The guards tried extremely hard not to look, having just a glimpse from the corner of their eyes.
My groaning and screaming echoed the mansion walls. His grip around the chunk of hair he held got tighter as he dragged me behind him towards the basement.

Lana and Emily appeared from beside me, jaw dropping facials.

"Josh!" Emily gasped.

Josh unlocked the basement door, shoving me in and pushing me. Forgetting the little staircase down, I tumbled my way down. At the bottom, I moaned in pain and applied pressure to my hip side which was still healing.

"Josh!" Emily appeared at the door.

Josh was angry to the point he slammed the door in her face and locked it, before making his way down to me.

"How do you know Greg?"

I shook my head, laying on the ground in pain. "I don't"

Through multiple steps, I was tired up like the first time I was here.
In this dark, wet and death scented room. My hands tied up above my head as I hanged there naked.

In his grey track pants Josh walked over to a wall high cupboard, unlocking it and fiddling through it. I couldn't see much the room was dark and close things was all you would be able to see.

"Remember when I said I don't care if you're a female, I would still torture you?"

I took a deep breathe.

He stood in front of me with a whip yet a whip i've never seen before. It was leather yet looked like a metal type whip. On the end it had one sharp like strip, leather. Yet with numerous little leather balls around that one strip.

"I could drag you out dead for all I care"

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered.

"You just hit a side of my brain. Continuous thoughts of you being a spy sits there" he ran his hand around my chest, making his way up to my throat.

"If I was a spy, I would've never ran away...that time I did"

"It could be all part of the plan"

"Listen to me-"

"How do you know Greg?"

"I don't!" I gasped.

Josh whipped me. It was most likely the most painful thing I have ever experienced. Even endless rounds of sex would not compare.

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