Chapter 40

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I stood there, in the middle of his room. It was dark, the curtains were shut so the moon light wouldn't get through the closed windows.
He shut his bedroom door and stood there.
I couldn't see much but his figure and slight features.

He walked towards me and took a deep breath as I gulped. Looking up at him, he placed his hand onto my shoulder and ran it under my night gown, allowing my gown to fall from my arms to the ground.

I stood there, naked.

Josh placed his hand on to my neck and rubbed his thumb along my jaw, leaning in, he kissed me lightly. Running a deep passionate kiss onto my lips before placing kisses around my neck.

I moaned to the feeling of his soft, warm kisses.

He held me lightly and was quick to place me onto his bed. He was now determined more than ever. Quickly, he removed his belt, unzipped his pants and unwrapped a condom, while kissing me all over.

I attempted to touch him, but he was quick to grab my hands and place them above my head. He bit, sucked and kissed around my neck and chest. I gasped and moaned to his touch, feeling his erection through his underwear against my leg.

Everything was happening so quick with darkness, I couldn't see him, his dark grey eyes or his touch.

His hands traveled down in-between my thighs. Forcing my legs wide apart, he began to rub at my sex.
I arched my back, pushing my hips to his touch as numerous sounds escaped my lips and Josh continued kissing at my neck.

"Josh" I whispered.

It was almost like he was thirsty, wanting it and craving it for a while now.

He increased his speed at my sex, rubbing in all sorts of way. I gasped and moaned his name, causing him to bite me once, twice and then kiss me.
His hands left my sex and traveled back up, leaving marks of my wetness along my body. Wrapping his fingers around my throat, he used his other hand to fiddle himself.

Instantly, his erection found its way inside of me. The way I was wet, gave him a quick, simple access.

I gasped, groaning to the feeling of not having him inside of me for a while.

He choked my lightly yet savagely as he began pounding inside of me.

My moans got louder and my back arched softly.
Pounding, he increased his speed.

His lips found my nipple, sucking and biting leaving me out of breathe from continuous moans.

Once I was close to reach my orgasm, Josh was quick to stop and move away.
I frowned and panted, out of breath as I tried to see him in the dark. Thankfully, there was just enough light to see his figure and objects around us.

"Josh" I whispered.

He stood up and turned me around, forcing me onto the bed on my two knees and hands.
He rubbed my back side before trying to pull my legs slightly apart.
His erection found my sex again, yet I couldn't see him this time.

He placed his hands onto my hips and began pounding.
I gripped the bed sheets tight and moaned, loudly as Josh pounded in unexplainable speed.

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