Chapter 25

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"Dead, dead" I repeated to Nicolas. "I just want him dead"

"Greg is Fernando's right hand man"

"I don't care if that's his dad. I want him dead"

"Your just mad, relax"



"Shut the fuck up" I rolled my eyes, leaving the office.

As I made my way to the stairs and took a few steps down, I heard groaning and held back yells. I frowned, following the noise.
Pushing Ella's bedroom door open, I walked in.

Finishing off to the bathroom, Ella stood by the mirror, in a bikini as she gasped.


She turned around in fright, exposing herself.

Where the purple bruise once was, was marked a very bright red, almost like the purple bruise was just behind a thin layer of relief.

"What's that?" I asked, frowning at the long mark down her side.

She shook her head and hummed, biting down on her bottom lip. She tried to turn around, though she gasped.


She took a deep breathe, though she struggled. It was like her ribs were broken, her pipe was closed shut or something. Sounding like she couldn't get any air inside of her, she tried to take another deep breathe.

"Ella" I placed my hand onto her side.

She yelled in somewhat pain, eventually using all the air inside of her.
She began to pant, trying so hard to breathe.

Before collapsing into my arms.



"She's okay, but she's going to need a few days to heal. There's nothing wrong inside, it's just the pain was too much for her to handle and it's most likely going to bruise"

"What do you mean the fucking pain was too much to handle? What caused it? How? With what?"

"Mr Hutson-"

"I'll sign some papers" Nicolas tried to drive the doctor away from me.

I walked into Ella's hospital room and spot her awake, yet drowsy.
Standing at the end of her bed, I looked at her.

She sighed "Don't give me that look"

"If you weren't in such a bad state, I would spank the living shit out of you. On a serious note, I want information"

"I fell down the stairs" she whispered.

"Remember the first time we met?"

She frowned, nodding.

"I told you I fucking hate liars?"

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