Chapter 43

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


I pushed Ella's bedroom door wide open and she gasped, turning to face me as her dress was already half off, down at her thighs.

She sighed.

I undone my tie and pulled it to wrap it around my hand. I walked towards her intensely, her eyes caught mine and her breathing increased.
I grabbed her arm and dragged her behind me.

"The dress! My dress!" she yelled.

I stopped, turned around and leaned forward. I held her over my shoulder and continued my way towards the playroom. I unlocked the door and tossed Ella onto the playroom bed before going back to lock the door.

Ella frowned and panted.

I rushed back towards her and removed her dress in quick speed.

"What's wrong with you?!" she said, lost.

I pushed her so that she would be laying down as I removed her panties.

"Josh" she wiggled, trying to escape my touch.

I tossed her panties aside and moved forward towards her to remove her bra. She grabbed my hands, trying to hold me from touching her. "What are you doing?" she whispered.

"Doing what I want, to what is mine" I shoved her hands away and returned to move her bra.

She sighed.

I sighed back tossing her bra aside before standing up and away from her, making my way to the end of the bed. I grabbed her legs and pulled her down towards the edge, she gasped with a light yell for the unexpected pull.
I quickly turned her over onto her stomach so that her backside faced me. Her legs met the ground as her backside just rested on the end of the bed.

I spanked her, she gasped.

"You seem to forget my rules"

"You seem to forget how you act" she replied as her upper body rested into the bedsheets.

I spanked her, she chewed her lower lip.

"How do I act Mariella?" I whispered, rubbing my hands against her backside as I stood behind her.

"You keep using me as bait" she whispered back.

I leaned forward, grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her towards me. Her back arched and she groaned in pain.
"How do I act Mariella?" I asked again.

She gasped for air as I pulled her head roughly back towards me.

"Nothing, nothing"

I let go of her, slamming her back down.
She was quick to turn around and lay on her back. She looked deep into my eyes and for the first time in a while, I finally saw the fear I had seen the first time I fucked her.

I walked over towards the rack of whips, running my hands along the cold leather, looking for the perfect one.
I grabbed a thin one that had a few leather strips at the end.

Ella gulped and just laid there naked.

"Get up" I said "Stand" I pointed with the whip.

She got up and stood beneath the metal holes above us.

"Hands up"

She raised her hands and I used my tie around my hand to tie her hands up above her head, through the holes.

She stood there with her hands tied above her head before I blind folded her.

"Do you know why you're here?"

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