Chapter 24

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"It's ridiculous" Greg my guard sighed.

"Everyone deserves some fun" I shrugged as I sat relaxed in the car.

"I understand Boss, though the club is going downhill all because Josh is distracted by some female prostitute"

I didn't understand Greg. He had some type of issue with this so called prostitute, or maybe he was truly worried about this business.
"Solving is...?"

Greg shrugged "I don't know Boss, I say we take the girl. Clear Josh's mind off her, make her our own. I heard she is pretty impressive in bed"

Oh sex. Yes, I loved a good one in bed.

"And Josh would just give her up like that?"

"She's just a maid in the mansion, isn't she?" Greg raised an eyebrow.


"Yes Sir?"

"Take me to Josh Hutson"

"Yes Sir"


I walked into Josh's mansion with Greg by my side and my guards behind. It feels good having your right hand man beside you. Just like Josh has Nicolas.

"Fernando" Josh approached, quick to shake my hand. "Greg" he cleared his throat, although didn't attempt to shake his hand.

"Fernando" Nicolas also greeted.

"To what do I owe this visit?" Josh cleared his throat.

"Oh just a few business questions" I straightened my tie with a thick, bold smile.

"Alright" Josh directed the way to his office, allowing Greg and I to sit before he took a seat behind his desk and Nicolas stood beside him.

I wonder if their brotherhood could be destroyed.
Oh, negative thoughts Fernando.

"The club is crashing" Greg was quick to spit.

"I'm well aware of my own club, Greg" Josh was always a little aggressive on Greg, clearly showing he disliked him but had to put up with his shit because he was my right hand.

"Then why aren't you doing anything about it? In this case, you must of forgotten we own a share, we lose money. You couldn't careless how much you lose"

Josh cleared his throat, pressing his fist tightly shut as he rubbed the side of his jaw and tried extremely hard to remain calm.
"We have it under control"

"Great. Because business partners always help each other rise" Greg sat back in his seat.

All our eyes were set on the office door as it opened slowly and a well, perfectly figured lady walked in. Dressed in all black and a white apron with her hair curly at her shoulders. As she looked up, her lips looked a natural red, her eyes the shape of a begging puppy and again, her figure was just unique.

The girl from the club.

I smirked, she gulped.

"I...uh...something..." she twinkled her eyes a few times at Greg before flushing a very bright red that might indicate she was about to pass out. ""

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