Chapter 12

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


I woke up naked. I hesitated as I sat up quick and scanned the room.
My head felt like my blood was boiling at the tip of it. I rubbed it and laid back down.
It actually hurt so much.
My stomach had continuous stabbings.

Why was everything hurting?

I looked over at the clock beside the bed. 3:23am.

Water and some type of medicine is all I need.
I dressed, finding a huge white top on the coat hanger by the door.
It was short sleeved but on me it looked long sleeved. It covered just above my knee which was an advantage that I didn't have to go looking for underwear.

I opened my bedroom door quietly and snuck out.
It was dark but the moon lit a fair bit of the house through the windows.
I made my way downstairs, slowly. I thanked God that the guards that spawn the house during the day were not around for some reason.
I headed towards the kitchen and switched on the dimmest light, enough for me to see but not attract any attention.
Pouring myself a cup of water, I went through literally the entire kitchen and not a packet of medication was found.

I opened the fridge and just gazed at it. Placing the cup down beside the fridge, I pulled out a tub of cookies & cream Ice-cream.
That could do a fair bit of healing.
I climbed onto the bench-top and sat there, wiggling my feat as I ate from the tub.
Mmm, it's been so long since I had this.
Months? Maybe a year or so.

After eating one quarter, I jumped off the bench and put the tub back in place.
My head was still aching but I had to wait for Lana to wake up and ask her where she put the damn medicine.

I turned around to go back to bed. I switched off the dim light and turned the corner.
My body hit against something hard and I gasped, almost losing my balance.
I covered my mouth, not to yell as I took a few steps back.

The lights in the hallway downstairs came on and in front of me Josh stood, shirtless in just grey tack pants that hung from his hips.

"Jesus" I sighed in relief.

"What are you doing?"

I cleared my throat "I just wanted water"

Josh frowned, standing there plain and simple as he scanned me. "In my shirt?"

I looked down at myself and gulped. "I..." I was speechless. Okay, you got me there.

"With no panties?"

I looked down once more and sighed. I should've known it was slightly see through, for Gods sake. I slopped my hands on either side of me, sighing once more.

"You have cream on your lips" Josh pointed out.

I raised my hand and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before rubbing my head with my other hand. "I should go to bed"

"Since you're here" Josh looked me in the eyes "You could make me a cup of coffee"


"I like it sweet"

I rolled my eyes and turned back towards the kitchen. As I walked, something whacked my backside. I gasped aloud, enough to allow those around to almost hear.
I turned around to face Josh as I rubbed my backside "What the hell?"

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