Chapter 23

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


I stood in front of the Tv as Emily, Nicolas and Lana sat and watched carefully. One eye on the Tv and one eye on me.

I rubbed my jaw and clutched my teeth, careful not to shatter them out.
"She's on every fucking channel" I grabbed hold of the remote, switching channels.
All the same topic, different headings.
"Billionaire bachelor's mistress" I changed the channel "Mr Hutson can't keep his hands to himself" I switched "Blah blah"
Swinging my arm directly above my head, I threw the remote across the room, breaking it as it hit the wall roughly.

Emily jerked as Nicolas sighed.

"Look all these fucking pictures of her, half fucking naked!" I groaned.

"It's not a big-"

"Shut up!" I looked down at Emily. "When I own something, I don't want anybody seeing what I see!"
It wasn't jealousy, it wasn't. It was just who I am, how I am.

"It's not a big deal"

I turned around to see Ella stand there in a silky, baby pink robe. I know she's in a bikini under that, no doubt.

"You" I looked deep into her eyes "Need to get your fucking shit together. Running around and getting fucking drunk isn't a normal fucking thing! Especially when you're around me with photographers around!"

Ella gulped. "They could snap me naked for all I care. I'm no one. I was once homeless, I practically still am. It doesn't ruin my reputation, more then it already is"

"Naked?" I frowned "The only creature on this fucking planet seeing you naked is me. Do we have a fucking understanding here?"

Ella looked at Emily as if that just put her in an awkward position. Though Emily already knew, when there is a lady in my house, she isn't here for nothing.


"Enough" I rolled my eyes at her as she stood meters away. "Get your shit together"

She pulled her robe tightly around her.

"Josh, what's the deal here. You can fix this in seconds" Emily stated.

"This isn't about me Emily" I sighed "They can snap me with a fork up my ass for all I fucking care. This is about her, being half naked on Tv WHICH THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD CAN SEE!"
I felt anger roam me like I just wanted to murder someone, torture someone.

"Josh" Nicolas stood up "The guards are-"


I turned back around to see Ruby storm through the door. Her eye still bruised but covered with makeup, her nose slightly tilted to one side and her bottom lip somewhat slit. Though it didn't stop her from dressing half naked.

"Ugh" I sighed "I'm in no fucking mood for another hurricane"

"Hurricane? Well someone explain why the fuck she's still here?!" Ruby pointed at Ella as Ella stood somewhat angry yet lost.

"What did I miss?" Emily whispered to Nicolas.

"Nothing new" he replied.

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