Chapter 6

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I stood in my so called room, my stomach rumbled as my feet wobbled. All these unanswered questions roamed my mind...

Who was he?

Where was I?

What have I got myself into?

What was going to happen to me?

Does the rest of the world know someone like him exists?

What kind of human has a so called playroom?

Was I going to feel pain or was he going to hurt me?

So many more questions remained unanswered inside of me. Though I decided to think straight. I signed papers that didn't really tell me specifically that I was going to be whipped, tortured or even be having sex with some handsome yet an animal kind of guy. I don't know where he put the papers, though maybe I could just escape.

I turned and walked over towards the window. I opened it slowly, peeked over the window line and held my breath still. With the lights around the mansion, it showed me that it was a long way down, a very, very long way down. I leaned back and closed the window before turning to see Josh standing by the door. I gasped, gulping away that tension of fear his serious look always sent me.

"Can't get enough air in here, Mariella?" he said, keeping his posture as his fingers wrapped one another in front of his abdomen.

I cleared my throat, letting out such a soft whisper "Sorry"

"You're not thinking of escaping are you?" he frowned.

I shook my head as the thoughts of the 'torture room' transitioned through my mind. If his playroom looked frightful, what did his torture room look like? "I want to discuss" I gulped.

"Discuss?" Josh took a step towards me "I'm all open for a talk, Mariella"

I take a step back, tightening the coat he had handed me around myself as I avoided his dark eyes. "The papers didn't say anything about being tortured or touched...inappropriately"

He noticed the soft shiver in my whisper, taking it as an advantage to take a few more steps towards me as his face slowly lightened with a hidden smile. "I'd be lying if I said you didn't enjoy me undressing you"

I felt myself flush. He was an aggressive, feisty, rude and mind-reading person. What else was he hiding? "Not what-"

I was interrupted with his leap towards me, his hand was on the side of my face and I didn't realise I pushed it against the palm of his hand as his other hand wrapped around my hip. He removed the coat around me and let it fall to the ground. My eyes shut as his soft, warm hands gripped the side of my face. Thankfully, he didn't wrap his hand on the side of my bruise, instead he placed his hand around the other side and with so much skin showing, he moved his thumb lightly around my bare waist.

I wanted to escape his touch, so I opened my eyes and I took a step back but he just held me tighter. "There's no escaping me, Mariella"

"I don't want this" I said, trying to wiggle away from him as my eyes widened.

"I won't force you into anything" he whispered, releasing me slowly "Not until you know all the rules"

I gulped, taking as many steps as I could backwards and away from him, up until I hit a wall. "What exactly is a submissive?" I whispered, hugging myself to cover as much skin as I could.

He smirked so lightly, yet intensely. Did he intend to keep his serious face or was he just trying to use his looks to win me over? "Mariella" he took a step closer "Ella"

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