Chapter 10

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Mature (A little) - Read at your own RISK !


I straightened my tie and held the cup of whiskey in my free hand. I turned away from the mirror and stood by my bedroom window.


Only her moaning, panting, gasping, arched was just playing like a movie repeatedly in my head.

"Josh" Nicolas called.

I turned right around to face him and watched as he nodded, indicating she's ready.
I took half the cup in one whole gulp and left it by the bed as I walked out.
Nicolas sped past me, downstairs and out.

I took my usual time, buckling my navy suit jacket as I made my way down.
"All eyes" I said to the guards by the door.

They simply nodded.

As I stepped outside and my car pulled up, on my left was a figure. A red dress, just above the knee. Black platform heels. Back up, lightly waved hair.

She turned around.


She stood there. Holding a scarf against her chest, covering herself.
Her eyes winged like a cat, her cheeks flushed pink and I guessed it was natural. Below her eyes glittered, some type of makeup.

I bit my bottom lip, but she wasn't going to blow me away. No she wasn't.
I'm the aggressive dominant, a heartless man. She was nothing but an object, it was staying that way.

I nodded her way and made my way to the car. I sat in and waited as Nicolas helped Ella beside me.
"Thank you" she whispered to him.

Nicolas nodded "See you soon" he shut the door.

I placed my elbow against the window and my other hand on the leather seat in-between Ella and I. I gazed out the window as the car left the mansion.
Beside me Ella's heart beat was heard, loud and fast.

"Berry" I called.

The tinted window that parted the back seats and the front, came down. "Sir"

"Turn something on, a classic"

He nodded, putting the black window back up.

Soon, the voice of a lady roamed around us. Soft, pleasant. A classic, hmm. Ruth B? I don't know, but I liked it.

I leaned forward and grabbed a bottle of champagne. I popped it open and grabbed hold of two cups, placing them in the cup holders between Ella and I.

I filled my glass and only filled Ella's halfway.


"Drink" I interrupted her, grabbing my cup and placing the bottle back where it was.
Thank the lord I wasn't a lightweight.

She sipped from her cup, I knew without looking her way from the gulp of her tiny throat.

Was this how it was going to be? Us not talking, communicating? With her thinking she was a prisoner and I was an 'animal'?

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