Chapter 48

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3 weeks later...


"I'm so glad you're  home" Lana smiled, helping me exit the car and walk inside the mansion.

"Ella" Nicolas nodded by the door.

Emily smiled weakly, though her eyes told a difference story. The deep bags under her eyes, the drowning colour red and the pale skin.

"Emily" I whispered, pressing my hand down against my hip as I leaned slightly on Lana.

Emily looked deep into my eyes, chewing her bottom lip.


She couldn't hold it anymore.
She broke down.
Her eyes releasing the remaining tears, her body giving up as she fell into Nicolas's arms.

Nicolas held her tight, running his hand through her hair as he kissed her gently and her sobs echoed.

Without being told, I knew she had lost her baby.

Lana held back tears, continuously gulping beside me.

Although it hurt like hell, I managed to smile so weakly yet glad that all of them were here, alive.
If I told her that I was sorry for her less, she'd sob louder and it wouldn't change a thing.

I'm sorry. I said to myself.

I looked around, where was Josh?

I looked down at Lana but she shrugged.

"Lana" Nicolas called "Take Emily to her room"

Lana nodded, swapping with Nicolas. I leaned onto Nicolas to keep up on my two feet as she grabbed Emily and directed the way up the staircase.

"I'm sorry" I whispered at Nicolas as he wrapped a hand around my waist to keep me upright.

"Don't be" he smiled, watching Lana disappear with Emily.

Though I still looked around for Josh.

Nobody has told me anything since the second I woke up, besides the fact I was in a coma for three weeks.

"Greg's dead" Nicolas listed, without even looking down at me. "And so is Fernando" he added, looking blankly ahead "And his men...with his mansion...companies and...basically the entire family"

I gulped, whispering, "How?"

Nicolas looked down at me as we remained awkwardly standing at the entrance door.
He smiled, "Never try Josh's bad side"

I smiled, remembering the first time he said that when I first came here.

Then I frowned.

"Hm?" he said, beginning to walk over towards the lounge room keeping me beside him as I struggled to stand alone.

"Josh...his dad, Greg's dad"

"What about him?" Nicolas asked, helping me sit on the couch before taking a seat on the couch ahead. 

I looked around slightly, at least they managed to fix the kitchen and all, pretty quickly.

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