Chapter 21

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


Ella stood naked in my playroom. I walked in circles around her.
My eyes scanning her body, from the lightest scar to the deepest.
With the silence around the room, her breathing was heavy and her heart was at a normal pace.

I undressed, leaving just my Calvin underwear.

She bit her bottom lip and held her hands tightly in front of her.

I loved knowing I had such an affect on her.

I walked up to her and stood toe to toe. I looked down at her as she looked up at me.
"This time..." I leaned down for her lips "No toys, no marks..." I lightly kissed the corner of her lips "Just your parts and mine" I whispered.

Her head lightly titled back, allowing me easy access to her neck.
I placed my hands at her waist and held her up. She wrapped her legs around me as I held her to the bed.
I laid her down on her back and removed my underwear to wrap a condom around myself.

"Josh" she whispered.

I looked into her eyes.

"If this is a punishment, how will you punish me without equipments?"

I smirked.

She gulped.
Knowing that just because equipments were not involved, I could still punish.

I grabbed her legs and pulled her down so that her backside was at the edge of the bed.
I got onto my knees, in length of her sex.
Parting her legs widely apart, I ran my hands from her stomach and down to her sex.
Placing my entire hand at her sex, I began to rub her.

She took a deep breath and relaxed her body.

I placed my hand at the tip of her sex and used my thumb just to rub.
Parting her sex lips with my thumb, I leaned in and placed a gentle, quick kiss.

She gasped.

As I noticed her loosen up and her sex begin to weaken, I placed my hands on both her legs and forced them to stay widely open.
Leaning forward, I placed my tongue at her sex.
I wrapped it around, sucking, kissing and biting.

Her moans would appear louder by the second.

Removing one hand off her leg, I placed it on her stomach, just above her sex.
"If you cum, Ella..." I continued pleasuring her "I will let you walk out"

Her eyes opened as she frowned before smiling.

Oh little did you know...

I pleasured her a little more, as she was about to have an orgasm, I moved away and left her untouched.

She leaned up and let go of the bed sheet, attempting to use her hand and rub herself.
I grabbed her arm tightly and slammed it back down onto the bed.
She moved her hips in all directions, trying to get that little bit of pleasure required to release her load.

"Josh!" she groaned.

I waited a few minutes, until her load had completely disappeared.
Then again, I leaned in and began to eat her.
Running my tongue around her sex, kissing and sucking.
Once her stomach came to tense and her back arched, I leaned away.

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