Chapter 27

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Laying on a cold, hard hospital bed. Wires connected to my body from machines in every direction like I was holding onto life.
As I gazed out of the window, wondering if it was another beautiful day and maybe it'll be my last day here, the door opens.
I turn to face the other way, gulping as I tried to sit up.

"No, don't sit up" he smiles.

I still try either way but hopelessly give up and sigh.

"I didn't even hit you that bad" his smile stretched as he walked towards me.

"What do you want?" I whispered.

"I want to know if we have a deal"

"Only the stupid would make a deal with you"

"Well baby, stupid is the definition of you. Are you in or not?"

"How do you expect me to break Josh, I can't even communicate with him?"

"Sex" Greg shrugged "I mean that's what you both are good at. You're a hoe, he's a billionaire. How else?"

I sighed, feeling weak. "What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know. I just want him gone. Broken, killed, it out"

"You're asking for-"

"Are you in or not?" he placed his hand on the zipper of his pants.

"Okay" I whispered "Okay"
I don't know how I'm going to do it but I agreed. Because the thought of Greg's skin against mine, tied up in a room and feeling it for days, months and years until I eventually just die...was just too much to handle as a thought alone.

"That's my girl" he pecked the corner of my lips and I turned around.

I turned to face the door once more when I heard it slam shut.

After a few minutes of just laying here and have continuous tears run down my face, the door opens slowly. As I notice the figure, I look away and quickly wipe away my tears and hold back the ones forcing to come out.


I sniff, twinkle and look at Josh. "Yeah" I clear my throat, noticing a little shiver.

Josh frowned and walked towards me, standing by my bed. He scanned my face for a good minute and sighed. "Do you want to go home?"

Home? That's a funny thing to say don't you think. I honestly hope home means back to the newspaper on the streets and not that mansion.

"Can I?" I whispered.
It was either I stay here and watch Greg come in random times or go back to the mansion.

"Ofcourse" Josh cleared his throat, being a little too kind then usual. Well he was never kind. A simple thank you from him is like a million dollar give away.
"But first, what's bothering you?"

I sighed.

"Don't tell me it's this new life. Sex, playroom and not wanting this. I've heard it enough. I want the truth"

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