Chapter 28

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


As I gasped, groaned and moaned with his name repeatedly escaping beyond my lips, it was pleasure to him.
Pulling on his hair as he squatted down in line with my sex. Licking, kissing and biting his way. I tried shoving him away, pulling his hair extremely tight but he would only groan and force himself on to my sex.

"Josh" I gasped up against the elevator wall.

He stood up and his lips met mine. He was removing his suit pants as he forced his lips tightly against mine.
As much as I wanted to stop and push him away, continuous lines played through my mind.
'Two can play the game, this is your game'
'Remember, steal his throne. Make him beg'
'Make him hooked, let him lose himself for Greg'

I pushed my lips harder against him, as he waited for any type of response.

He grabbed my hospital gown and roughly forced it up to my shoulders before grabbing my legs, holding me up against the wall and pulling them apart.

Quickly, without me seeing anything, his erection pushed up against me.

I felt the condom around his erection even though I never saw him put it on.

He began pounding extremely hard to the point my body would slam against the wall and back off. The pain around the side of my hips was slowly getting painful but I ignored it.

He bit my neck, most likely forming a few hickeys around my neck as he continued thrusting me a little too rough.

My arms were around him, marking his back with red marks, causing him to groan and only me to moan.
One of his hand was around my throat as the other gripped my thigh.

The problem with Josh was that he enjoyed rough sex. Rough to the point he'd choke me sometimes and wouldn't notice I was struggling for air, pounding me to the point he wouldn't notice the pain in my moans and continuing to thrust even after I had an orgasm.

"Josh" I whispered as his grip around my throat got harder.

He looked down at how he was thrusting me, increasing his speed and becoming rougher and rougher by the minute.


He looked up at me and as he pounded inside of me, he watched me moan continuously.

"Josh!" My voice getting louder after each thrust.

He increased his speed to the point my body was slamming against the elevator wall too hard that the entire elevator began to move.

Once I moaned his name loudly, echoing through the elevator walls and possibly beyond, Josh continued to thrust a little more.

Feeling my self spread beyond my sex, Josh groaned, letting me go, causing me to thump straight to the ground, onto my two legs. He removed his condom and released his load onto my bare stomach.

I stood there and faked a pleasurable smile but yet full of pain. Panting, I tried to catch my breath.

He leaned forward to grab me but I moved away. "One round" I was quick to say.

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