Chapter 5

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"Fernando" I nodded, approaching him as I held eye contact with Ella that was forced into hands of big men.

"Uh, Josh" Fernando smirked, walking past his guard and towards me.

We shook hands which left Ella in shock. I didn't understand why she was held or what was happening but I had every right to. "Trouble?" I asked, frowning at Ella.

"No" Fernando smiled "In fact I offered to pay a couple hundred but she refused"

"LIAR!" Ella said, wiggling in the arms of the man.

I watched as the guard gripped his arms around her and forced her to keep quite buy placing his hand over her mouth.

"Drop her" I groaned.

"Sir" the guard looked at Fernando.

"We will talk this out, first drop her"

Fernando nodded and the guard dropped her. Ella fell to the ground and gained her balance, walking over to me. "He's lying"

"Wait in my office" I said, leaving that serious, stiff face that warned everyone I was in no mood for a sweet stupid talk.

I watched Ella walk into my office before I continued my conversation with Fernando.

"Such a sweet, yet feisty girl you have there" Fernando chuckled.

"Very" I listed "I'm sorry to disappoint Fernando. I'm sure one of my men could get you an untouched or a look alike from one of the sex rooms. Ella is new, she's unfamiliar. Give her time to settle in"

"Uh my friend" Fernando smiled "Let's discus it over our next meeting, shall we?"

I nodded "We shall"

"Until we meet again" Fernando let out a hand and I took it for a quick, short shake.

I watched him leave the entrance to my office and instructed my guard to not allow anyone to interrupt or enter through the door. I turned my gaze at my office door and walked straight in. Ella was standing by my desk, in her lingerie. Her legs were tightly together, the pressure sent me twitches, her hands in front of her as she twiddled her fingers and she bit her bottom lip.

My upper lip twitched and struggled to remain still. If only she knew the effect of biting her lips and stiffing her body had on me.

"Stop that" I groan.

"Stop what?" she gulps.

I shake my head lightly as I make my way around to sit behind my desk. "I don't expect you to explain what happened" I said, holding my gaze into her eyes and trying so damn hard to avoid her lower lip biting. "But Fernando is one of my business partners and he is the last person on my list that I will ever disappoint. So next time, speak to him with manners"

"But I-"

"I said I don't need an explanation" I frowned "But your shift is far from over"

"Is he out there?" she swallowed.

"He would be long done, Ella" I placed my elbows on the table as my chin rested on my fingers "Sit"

"My shift-"

"Sit" I grunt.

She nods, taking a slow yet hesitant sit. "It was-"

"Fitting in is hard, especially with a stranger. Let me introduce the main factors"


"I don't care about your shift, don't interrupt"


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