Chapter 46

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I looked up at Greg as my hands were tied above my head to a nail Greg bothered to bang into the ceiling, standing in nothing but a bikini as Lana and Emily's tears were heard from behind me.

"Please, Greg" I begged "Let them go"

Greg laughed, rubbing the side of his face with the hammer still in his other hand.


"Shut up!"

"Let them go" I continued to beg.

Greg was about to kill me with all that anger, the sweat dripping from his forehead as his sleeves were rolled up was enough to indicate he was ready for it.

He was distracted by a car door on the outside. He walked up to my bedroom window and peeked out.
Smirking he looked back at me. "He's here"

I gulped, panting.

Greg rushed towards me, dropped the hammer within his hands and picked up a whip. He didn't bother to think or say a word, he was quick to whip me.

I yelled, as the whip was harder then I've ever had. Harder then Josh had ever done.

He whipped again.

I screamed.

Emily and Lana begged him to stop, yet he whipped again.

"Let him hear you!" Greg groaned, whipping me.

"STOP!" I yelled, through the pain.

He whipped.

My screams echoed.

"Keep it coming!" Greg laughed, whipping me several more times.

My body twitched and jerked and ached from pain as he unstoppably continued to whip me.

"Please!" I begged, wiggling and causing the rope to burn my wrist.

After several minutes my bedroom door was kicked open. Josh walked in with Nicolas in one hand and a gun in the other, aiming it at Greg.

He rested Nicolas against the wall.

Emily's screams woke us all.

I noticed him gripping his abdomen tight as the colour red covered his shirt and hand.

"Drop the whip" Josh groaned, grabbing the gun with two hands covered in blood. "Drop it" I watched him limp a step or two towards us.

He was shot in the thigh, the blood that was dripping onto the ground gave it away.

"Finally" Greg laughed in anger "Finally" he opened his arms wide.

My body was shivering, shivering in pain as I tried so hard to keep my head up, my teeth trembled together.

"I must say" Greg looked back at me. "You have a fine piece of object here"

Josh made eye contact with me. An apologetic yet painful one.
"Drop the whip!" Josh groaned.

Behind me Emily was sobbing and repeating Nicolas's name continuously.

Greg placed the tip of the whip at my chest and ran it down towards my sex.

I gulped, still uncontrollably shivering in pain.

"Remember" Greg said, running the whip along my body. "Josh..." he laughed "Josh Dashiki" he mocked.

Josh's lips parted but he didn't say a word.

"Josh Dashiki" he repeated. "Remember him?"

"Drop the fucking whip!" Josh aimed the gun at Greg. "I'm not going to fucking kill you in front of my family. Either way, you're a fucking dead man!" Josh yelled with sweat covering his upper body, shirtless.

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