Chapter 13

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


I stayed awake. Seated on the couch by my bed, drinking.
I watched her sleep. In pain. I didn't whip her, gag her or tie her up. This wasn't any pain. I wanted more.
I watched her. Every time she'd wiggle to turn, she'd moan in somewhat pain. She couldn't lift her legs even the slightest bit.
I loved seeing them like that, but I didn't even hurt her.
I wanted more.

She laid there. Naked under the bed sheets.
She thinks I don't notice. The purple bruise only beginning to form a darker colour and the scars around her entire body. I remember she told me she's been hurt before...those were the cause of her scars. Though by who?
I needed to know more about her.

She was a pure virgin.
How could someone like her...survive the streets.

It's been two hours and I didn't sleep that entire night. Before and after seeing Ella.
What am I saying, I never sleep. If I ever did it was always for an hour. Insomnia is what they call it.

I stood up with the cup of whiskey never leaving my hand. Being already dressed into just my grey track pants, I made my way downstairs.
The guards around the house stood like statues as I walked towards the kitchen.

"Morning" Lana smiled, grabbing plates.

"Hi" I said, taking a seat on one of the stools at the bench.

"Lucky I got up in time to turn off the stove. Otherwise the food would've burnt along with the house" she mocked.

I simply sipped from the alcohol.


I nodded.

"She seems like an excellent cook. Did you ask her where she had learned?"

I shook my head, continuing to drink.

"Josh" Lana leaned in front of me, holding a serious face which told me she wanted to have a serious talk.
"She breaks my heart"

I gulped down the remaining alcohol in the cup and slammed it onto the table, enough to keep it from shattering.
"The only person who should break your heart is me"

"Find another submissive" Lana whispered.

I got off the stool, leaving the empty cup behind as I tried to dodge her conversation.


"Talk to someone else about it" I said with my back turned.

Lana grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her. Old granny style. "You can't go past a day without having sex. Missing a day without sex is the best you can go. Find someone who is capable to have sex everyday and sometimes miss a day. She can barely handle your stare"

"She'll get used to it"


"Not now, Lana" I walked away.

I made my way back up and towards my room. Pushing the door wide open, Ella stood by the bed with the same white shirt on from yesterday. Her face was in somewhat shock.
I frowned.

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