Chapter 17

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I raised my hand at the guard. I looked at Jack as he was tightly tied to the chair in the basement.

Why exactly are we torturing him?

"Boss, Josh-"

"Shut up!" I growled at the guard.

"I didn't do anything wrong" Jack said with a gulp, not showing any remorse.

"So why does Josh want you tortured?"

"I don't know" Jack whispered "Ella came to see me this morning and she just asked a few questions, that's all"

"Questions about what?"

" was looking for work" he shrugged.

"So first she kicks you out when you came to see her and now she comes to you?" I frowned "Something isn't right"

"We we're friends on the streets. She only kicked me out...because...she thought I...I was going her into coming back to the streets"

I chuckled "Jack" I walked over to him "This has been my job for years. You're lying. The way your pulse quickened, your breathing changed and you're slowly beginning to sweat"

Jack gulped, secretly trying to control his breathing.

"If you don't speak the truth, I can't help you"

"You''re trying to help me?"

I turned around and walked around slowly "I'm not helping you. I'm doing this for Ella"


"As long as you keep hiding the truth, the less I can do" he didn't have to know why.

"How do I know this isn't one of...of...your plans"

"Just tell me something so I don't have to fucking torture you"


I sighed, walking over towards the door. "Keep it down"
As I left the basement and locked the door behind me, an instant scream was heard.

I took a deep breath, making my way towards the kitchen before the entrance door opened.
Ella walked in, behind her Josh was talking to the guards outside.


"Nicolas" we both combined.

She was in black converse, a pair of black jeans, a sky blue shirt that just exposed her belly and her hair naturally, a wavy set, sat past her shoulders.

"Hi" she she simply said as she removed her backpack.

Why did it feel like I was greeting my daughter who had just experienced her first day at school?

"You've been gone..." I stupidly said. "A while" I added.

"I guess running isn't really my thing" she chewed the inside of her mouth "You know, like you guys. Always having a little trouble here, there and everywhere but you run. Run, run and you seem to be really good at it"

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