Chapter 30

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Who would have ever thought that in a place like this, things could still fall apart?

Emily has been walking around like she's okay, forgetting that her eyes speak.
Nicolas leaves the house and doesn't return till late at night.
Lana keeps a smile on her face, trying to show love to everyone but still avoid everyone.
Josh works in his office all day and fiddles all night, sometimes using me to lose himself.

Me? Well, I don't know. I keep trying to help everyone here, when I, need help myself.

"Chicken?" Lana raised an eyebrow.

"Nicolas likes beef" I shrugged.

"Josh likes chicken too" Lana said.

"Nicolas doesn't mind chicken" Emily whispered.

As we worked our way through the kitchen, preparing meals in hopes of Nicolas coming home early and having dinner with us, the door bell rang.

"I got it!" I yelled.

Josh made sure the entrance door was from now on, always closed. Even the guards were not allowed to open it unless we gave them permission.

I held the bag of salt in my hands, forgetting to put it down as I rushed towards the door.

"Peek through the hole!" Lana suggested.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her as I opened the door. I smiled, in hopes Nicolas received all my voicemails and decided to come home.

The salt crackled beneath my foot. I gulped, noticing I had just dropped the bag, while losing myself within his dark eyes.

"Josh?" He walked in.

I looked at Lana and Emily who looked confused.

"" I whispered at Greg.

He placed a hand at my hip for a few seconds, whispering "Thanks" with a wink before making his way up.

I looked down "I'll get that cleaned"

"Ella" Lana walked towards me "Is everything alright?"

"I just thought it would be Nicolas" I lied as I turned to grab the vacuum.

Everything is falling apart here and he shows up to make things worse?

After a few hours, I was laying on my bed, spamming Nicolas with texts, calls and voicemails.
"Hey it's me again, please come home"
"Ugh, Nicolas. We made both your loved meals, come taste"
"Nicolas, can you at least let me know where you are?"
"Just send me anything god damn it! Just a dot as a text or you breathing as a voicemail! Just...Ugh!"

I tossed the phone across the room and sat up in frustration. I was lucky enough that Emily let me borrow her phone, maybe that's why he wasn't answering?
Why is it that I have the heart of a bloody puppy?
I'm hurt but I want to keep everyone happy instead or myself.

"Where are you?" I whispered to myself as if Nicolas could hear.

I couldn't take it anymore.
I rushed out of bed and towards Josh's office.

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