Chapter 7

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


I was still in this tight lingerie, slowly making my way to that locked room. I gulped, rubbing my arm and thinking I was probably going to be covered in goose bumps for the rest of my life as long as I live here.

I noticed the door lightly open, I tried to peek in but I couldn't help but push the door wide open.

Josh stood there, his back towards me and his outfit changed. He was in grey track pants, shirtless and bear footed. As he turned around slowly, his track pants hanged lightly down, exposing his built body and V line. Though it didn't have an effect on me.

I noticed he was twisting and playing with the same black small, cut ropes with his fingers. As I scanned him and gazed into his eyes, he had the same serious stiff face that always sent shivers down my spine. "You knew I'd come?"

"I told you it was a punishment and you'd find out what sort it was, soon..." he continued to play with the ropes.

I gulped "I don't know why I came" I whispered, standing by the door as I twiddled my fingers in front of me.

"Because you want me"

"No" I quickly said, looking deep into his eyes. "I don't want you, I don't want this..." I pointed around the room "I just want kisses"

"Kisses?" he narrowed his eyes as he raised an eyebrow.

"Here" I looked down and I pointed at my bruise "And here" I pointed at my stomach that had a scar "And here" I said, pointing at my collar bone with another scar "And-"

I was interrupted with bulky hands that wrapped around my waist. I looked up, as he looked down, leaving his hands on my waist, rubbing my skin. "It doesn't work like that, Ella" he kept his serious face switched on. "I'm the dominant and you're the submissive"


He picked me up, forcing me to wrap my legs round him and wrap my arms around his neck, holding and maintaining my grip. He walked over towards the bed that was covered in all black and placed me down lightly. He grabbed both my hands and forced me to let go of him as he placed them above my head "I dislike it when someone touches me...without my permission" he said "Hold your hands tightly together"

"Listen, Josh" I took a deep breath "It was a mistake coming here, I want to go to bed"

"If I repeat myself one more time-"

"I want to go to bed"

Josh grabbed two of my hands with just one of his and began to tie them together aggressively. He tied them above my head, tight enough to keep them together and loose enough not to hurt. "Turn over and lay on your stomach"

"You know this could be illegal without my permission"

"Mariella" he groaned.

I quickly rolled over to be lying my stomach, leaving my hands tied above my head. "Honestly, I'm not longer scared of you. I thought about it and I could take legal actions-" I was interrupted with a loud squeak in pain, my own squeak. Pain ached against my backside as it travelled upwards. "Ouch!" I said, trying to wiggle back on my back to face him.

Josh sat on me, placing his legs on either side of me, forcing me to remain on my stomach. "That was because you interrupted me"

"Well, I want to leave. I quit the job, I want to leave this all. I don't even know you, you don't scare me anymore-" I was interrupted again with the same pain but on the other side of my bum cheek. "Have you lost your mind?!" I gasped "Get off me!" I began to wiggle.

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