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For the people around me, I am nothing but a bitch in their minds, a slut in their eyes or taint in their life and Yeah, I don't hella care .

All my life I have been a bad-mannered daughter. I never followed rules. I often disobey. I am their worst child. I never had a serious relationship. I never believed in love.


Can this incident change me?

In a fingersnap I became his wife.

Would it be possible to be happily married with the most despicable jerk I ever knew?


I never wanted her. I hate her wickedness. I hate her ill-behavior. I hate her filthy dress up. I hate her bitchy makeup. I hate her slutty words. She was everybody's girl...

Until something happened.

Things changed. Why all of a sudden, I wanted her so much? I love her wicked smiles. I love her little softness. I love her home bound simplicity. I love her fierceness. I love her witty expressions. And I became her only man.

In a blink of an eye I became his husband.

With the a bitchy rebel wife, would it be possible to build a family?

....In a love that started in a locked gym dug out. 

A/N: TAGALOG STORY. This have been written year 2012. Will just post to preserve the story. Any resemblance of name, place or situation in the story is purely a coincidence.


A Love That Started In A Gym Dug OutTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon