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Ok so :
Y/n - Your name
L/n- Last name
H/c- Hair colour
E/c- Eye colour
Your POV:
"Come on Eclipse, I can sense it! Only a few more miles to go!" I jog steadily back towards my home. Unable to contain my excitement any longer. I stand at the edge of a forest cliff staring out onto Magnolia.

My pet wolf slowly catches up to me. "Y/n how much farther?" Eclipse pants her eyes slowly gazing at the view. "It's there!" I laugh. Finally we're back.

Slowly walking up the street towards Fairy Tail my h/c hair  flows in the wind. "I can't believe it. I'm here! I'm actually here, standing outside the entrance!" It had felt like an eternity, and I wasn't even sure sometimes if I would ever make it back here. Saying I was excited was greatly an understatement. I gradually push open the doors to familiar faces. Everything went quiet, a cup smashed in the background.

Laughing, I say," Hi everyone I'm back! Miss me?" Shock melted away into happy faces. "Y/n? It can't be? Y/N!" Bombarded by many hugs, my guild mates surrounded me. "You haven't forgot me have ya?" Asked a voice I remembered. "Ha Gray!  Of course not." I walked up to him and gave him the biggest hug I could give. "Mph you've grown so much! I remember when you were my height..." I pout as he ruffles my hair, looking down at me grinning before releasing me. 

"I've missed all of you so much."

"Y/n is back?! She can't be! She's - she smells like her... Y/N!" I hear a voice at the back of the guild hall. "Aha. Nice to see you Natsu!" I say, being crushed by his big arms whilst he's on the verge of tears of joy. "Jeez calm down! You're gonna crush me." I laugh as Happy lands on my head crying.

 " And oh, who's this?" I ask peering over his shoulder at a blond girl who was sat next to him. "Hi! My name is Lucy Heartfilia! It's nice to meet you." I smile at her, happy Natsu actually made some friends, she looked sweet and friendly.

My attention was quickly whisked away by my Best Friends voice. "Y/n I'm so glad your back and safe! I've been worried! You were gone forever!" A smile slowly spread across my face. "Erza!" I jumped into her arms and she spun me round. She actually had a smile on... and she had grown so much. Taller that me *pouts* .Home is exactly like I remember it, just a lil' older. 

"Hey Y/n!" A sweet voice says to me, who the hell was that? Mira? No! It couldn't be! Where was her crop top and skull accessories? She was currently had her hands drying a beer glass, a very feminine red dress on with laces and bows. Nothing like the old Mira if it was her. She puts it down and opens her arms and hugs me tightly. Too tightly. Definitely Mira. "Hey Mira! I've missed you so much! I've also missed our shipping habit." She grins, pointing to Natsu and Lucy whispering, "Nalu."

I grin and promise her to help it become cannon. Then I notice something. "Hey where's Lis?! I really wanted to see her again. She promised me ice cream." I look to Mira who has her eyes facing the floor. I felt bad, I must've said something wrong, maybe they're broke? Or Lis moved? "I'm sorry Mira! I didn't-" I was cut off by her. "It's ok Y/n! You didn't know... Lisanna died a few years back..." 

I feel my eyes welling up with tears, to think one of my nakama have been killed. I sit down on a bar stool and rub my temples, memories of me and Lisanna flashing through my head. She didn't deserve this fate so soon. She was too kind and pure. I see a single tear drop land on the surface. This wasn't what I wanted to come back to. To find out one of my family was dead.

"Hey.. You ok Y/n?" I hear Gray ask, as he places a hand on my shoulder. I nod and hug him, tears staining his shirt, which was actually on for once. After a few moments, I pull back wiping my eyes clear of tears. "Yeh I'm good!" I say stroking my wolf as I force a smile onto my face. 

"LOVE RIVAL!" A blue haired girl whom I didn't recognise screamed. I scratched my head. She clutched onto Gray's arm. "Get away from Gray-Sama love rival!" She squealed. I go red, tears still falling slightly down my stained cheeks before realising what she was implying. "I DON'T LOVE GRAY! WE ARE JUST BEST FRIENDS!" I manage to choke out and she raises an eyebrow. 

"So you don't love Gray-Sama?" She asks quietly. I shake my head as I wipe away the last of my excess tears and she pulls me in for a hug, squeezing the life out of me. "That's great! I'm sure we'll be amazing friends! Juvia names you the maid of honour and Juvia and Gray-Sama's wedding!"  I blush at her offer, she was VERY friendly. "You're engaged to Gray?" I ask, how much did I miss here?! Gray goes bright red, rolling his eyes. "NO!" He says quickly. "Yet." The one named Juvia says. 

I filled in the rest of my time greeting everyone else like Levy and Bisca, they all played a role in my life as a kid. 

I walk away chuckling to myself when I suddenly see a guy I don't know. "Hi there! Are you new?" I ask, he must be, I never saw him before. He turns to face me, iron poking out of his mouth. He swallows it then turns fully. "Yes." He grunts. I smile and hold out my hand. "The names Y/n!" I chirp, he takes it squeezing it way to hard. "Gajeel." I decide to sit next to him as he's alone.

"So Gajeel! What magic do you have?" I ask, trying to show interest. "Why should I tell you?" He snarls, staring right into my eyes. I shrug at him, not finding him intimidating at all. "Curious." I grumble angrily. He smirks sitting back. "Iron Dragon Slayer." He says, raising an eyebrow. "Cool." I say nodding my head. "What about you?"

I smile at him. "Promise not to tell anyone?" I ask sweetly. He has a hint of blush, but nods. "I'm an Angel Slayer." His eyes widen, shocked at my magic. "How?" He asks and I shrug, looking down on his hands, I was surprised he'd even heard of it. "You know Gajeel, you have the hands of a guitarist." He grins back at me, having taken my conversation diversion and obviously happy with my observation. "I do play guitar!"

I smile brightly, I can play piano, except nobody knows I can. "I think we're gonna be great friends Y/n!" He says, holding his fist out. I grin and fist bump him, leaving him to his thoughts. He seemed like the kind of guy who'd sit in the corner and glare if you met eyes with him, so I'll let him do just that. 

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