Live for me Y/n

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Your P.O.V:
"Y/n, fight me!" Natsu yelled from across the guild hall. "Fight?!" Melody said worriedly, clutching my arm, her nails sinking into my skin. "It's alright Melody, it's a friendly fight." I tell her. "Go and sit next to Erza and cheer me on kay'?" She nods and I ruffle her hair. She sits on the stone wall cheering and laughing and Erza.

"I'm not going easy on you Y/n!" Natsu says, grinning at me. " I would be insulted if you did!" I laughed. The battle began. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" He shouted running towards me. I catch his hand and throw him backwards towards the wall. He grunts as he hits it.

"Ow! Y/n! You've improved! I used to take you down with a single move." He frowned and stood back up. "Fire Dragon roar!" I dodged by cartwheeling. "I beg of thee call upon my third body of the holy angels. Turn my heart to pure light and my soul to darkness. Give me the power to wield an Angels magic. Black angel transformation!" I stood, my hair black, my eyes red. "Angels rage!" I shout. Shadows of dark Angels gathered round Natsu and engulfed him. When he appeared he was close to being K.O'd. "F-fire D-d-dragon r..." He collapsed.

"Well done Y/n!" Everyone cheered, lifting me up. After I was put down I went over to Melody. "Your Magic..." She began. "Is pretty and scary at the same time." She hugged me tears streaming down her face. "Hey Melody..." I said kneeling down to her height. "I'll never use that against you I promise." She sniffles and nodded.

"Listen up you brats!" Master yelled. "Y/n, Natsu, Erza, Gray and Lucy. I need you guys to go on a special mission for me. You'll form an alliance and take down the Oracion Seis." Natsu cracked his knuckles. "But Master!" I protested. "What about Melody? I can't leave her here alone!" He frowned and hand on his chin. "Mira!" He shouted. "Yes Master!" Her sweet voice came from behind the door. "Can you take care of Melody for Y/n please?" I gasped, but Mira was the only one left I truly trusted.

Before I left Melody hugged me, tears running down her cheeks. "Don't die Y/n." She says, her voice sounding dry and croaky. I laugh a little, "Melody I'll always come back for you I promise." I take off my Celtic Wolf bracelet and hand it to her. "I wanna give you this, because when you look at it you'll think of me okay?" She nods, putting it on and gives me one last hug. "I'll miss you Y/n!" She says, I wave back to her. I turn around and Natsu grabs my wrist. "Ugh! Come on Y/n! Pick up the pace." I laugh as he drags me along. "I'll miss you too Melody." I think to myself smiling. But I know you're in good hands.

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