Move Forward

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N/n means nickname
Your POV :
My eyes widen as I slowly make my way to our stand, leaning against the wall; I felt breathless. "Hey Y/n right? You ok?" I heard a voice echo in my head, my eyes felt like they were spinning in my skull and my tongue was like sandpaper. I saw a member of the Magic council looking at me.

I wanted to reply but I felt like I was going to collapse. Slowly, I felt my hair catch in the wind as I plummeted towards the floor, my eyes widening in shock at the situation. I grapple for something to keep me upright but I only catch thin air. Instead of landing in warm arms like in all the romantic stories I read about, I hit the stone cold floor, my body bouncing slightly back up after impact.

I looked at my Mother crushed by the Grand Piano I loved so much. Only from her waist up was showing, her face facing towards her husband, her nose bloodied and her eyes closed. Her hands were dug into the floor like she was trying to haul herself out. "I'LL NEVER PLAY OR SING AGAIN!" I scream to the sky.

Collapsing I slam my hands against my face and sob into them, snot running from my nose. I slowly get up when I hear rubble moving. "Daddy?" I ask, walking towards my Father, assuming he was still alive.

A rat scurried behind me. In my Fathers left hand was a scrunched up news report. It was about Fairy Tail and how they vanquished evil guilds such as the one who killed my family. My face shows determination as I get up and walk away from my house, tears trickling down my face as I blow a kiss to my deceased parents. I run off into the trees for a guild name Fairy Tail, my only hope...


I jolt awake, my body wrapped in a warm silk. I sit up, alert and see myself in our inn. Sweat trickles down my forehead as I take in everything around me. I see red hair flowing through the door to the balcony meaning Erza was here. She must've heard me as she walked in, smiling encouragingly, and sat down.

"Hey (n/n). How are you?" She asks me softly, her hand smoothing out the sheets. "Not too bad." I reply smiling. She pulls me into a hug that is gentle, well for Erza anyways. "HEY IS Y/N AWAKE?!" I hear Natsu shout through the door. I giggle softly and nod at Erza, signalling for her to let him in. She unlocks the door and he barges through.

He makes a b-line straight to me and gives me a huge hug, placing his hand on the back of my head and pulling me in. "Hey..." I smile, he grins at me, pulling our hug apart. "Hey." He says. "OI! Flame brain is she awake!" Erza shut him up with a loud "SSSH! You ruined the moment!" Gray looks confused and angry.

"Hehe... its not what she made it sound like." I say sheepishly. Gray sits down next to me and pulls me into a hug. Much like Natsu's. Then both boys hug me from either side, both squashing their cheeks against mine. "I love you guys." I say as Erza joins the hug. After a few minutes of silence, Erza breaks the ice. "C'mon it's 11:00 pm, let's get some sleep." She leaves the inn to go to her own. "Bye Y/n!" Natsu says, placing his forehead quickly on mine before departing.

"See ya later Y/n!" Gray says, planting a kiss on my cheek before following Natsu. I blush a bit before bundling myself back in my duvet and falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.

~time skip to next evening (yeh that's right it's nearly night again, the sun is setting)~

"You gotta wear something BRIGHT so the audience are trained on you!" Mira says, shoving different coloured clothing in my face. "Is this necessary?" I grumble, staring at a revealing dress.

"You wanna win right?" Mira asks, choosing between a galaxy top and a sunrise top. "Yeh but-" Mira cut me off by throwing the galaxy one in my face. "Then wear it!" She hisses.

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