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Your POV:
"Y/N L/N!" My eyes widen as my guild mates push me forward, forcing me towards the edge of the balcony so I can jump down. "I don't wanna." I whisper, but of course, nobody heard me.

Eventually, I'm pushed so much I fall over the edge. I grumble as I land on my butt and scowl at my family. I dawdle over to the centre where Cheria and Minerva are waiting. "Ok you have 5 minutes to prepare a song! In your head of course! Ready? BEGIN!" I struggle in my mind and draw a complete blank. I look at the others, Cheria has her hand on her chin smiling and Minerva is just smirking like she's won already.

Of course, there is the fact I have the powers to carry items like telepathy but more cool as it has like gold glitter holding the item up. I can use Heaven's symphony for music. I just need a song! I wrack my brain thinking about one that would blow EVERYONE AWAY!

Usually when I am concentrating, my mind wanders to shipping and stuff like that. I sigh. "30 seconds!" The announcer says. I feel really dizzy with pressure then the song just shines bright in my head. IVE GOT A SONG!

"Times up! First up is Cheria Blendy from Lamia Scale!" Minerva and I are ushered off the arena and made to sit next to each other. After a few minutes of silence the music comes on and we hear the crowd cheering. "Hey.. uh Y/n right?" Minerva squirms uncomfortably next to me. "Mmhm." I hum, reciting my songs lyrics in my head. "I wanted to apologise. For the way I treated you and your guild mate."

I sigh and smile at her kindly. "I forgive you." I then lean on my arms, propping my head up. "But you should really be saying this to Lucy." I say, the music coming to an end. "O..ok but m-maybe we could hang out? Y-you know like friends." My mind shoots back to her conversation. "Of course! Just don't go overboard like Natsu when hurting things ok?" She nods enthusiastically.

"GREAT PERFORMANCE! NEXT, MINERVA ORLAND!" She is about to leave when a surge of courage rushes through me. "Good Luck Tiger! Your in a ring full of poachers. Knock em dead!" She turns and grins at me, a tear of happiness trickling down her cheek. "Thanks Fairy." Her figure becomes smaller and eventually disappears. I lean back in my seat in content, she's nice deep down, like all the other tigers.

I hear her song and it sounded amazing! I silently cheered her on whilst running through my plan one more time. I decided I'd need to use my magic to create the shape I needed using a glittery kind of thing.

Before I knew it, my name was being announced and an usher walked me on. 'Go on Y/n.' I heard my Mum in my head. I harden my eyes in concentration. "HELLO PEOPLE OF FIORE!" I shout into the mircophone, earning cheers and whistles. "ARE YOU READY?!" The crowd chants my name.

I begin singing Carousel by Melanie Martinez and using my physic like magic I carried people from the different guilds and sat them on horses made of the golden glitter. I sat different ships on the horses together and on the chorus I made the horses go up and down like a carousel around me whilst I twirled. When I finished the horses disappeared and everyone landed on the floor safely.

I was breathless and the crowd was silent, I frowned and looked at my feet. I didn't do as well as I hoped. "THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" The crowd broke into the loudest cheers I've ever heard and everyone who were on the horses ran into the middle to tell me how well I did, even other guild members. When everyone stopped cheering, Minerva and Cheria came into the centre for people to vote.

We had arms round each others shoulders, I was in the middle. We all squeezed our eyes shut, hoping it was us. "And in 3rd......... CHERIA BLENDY!" She still squealed with delight, even though she lost. And ran back to her guild and Minerva and I congratulated her. "In 2nd..." Minerva and I had our cheeks pressed together as we wished. "MINERVA ORLAND!" She gave me bone crushing hug when she found out I won and went back to her guild.

"THE WINNER.... Y/n L/n!!!" I threw myself in the air laughing and everyone ran down to congratulate me from my guild. Gray put me on his shoulders and everyone was smiling and crying with happiness. We all headed back to the stands, our guild more ecstatic than ever.

"Next round... DUET BATTLE!" I squealed and jumped around. "Laxus you gonna do it?" He looks down at me and squats down the my height, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Y/n..... No." he smirks and stands back up. I pout and look down. "Pretty please?" "Y/n no matter how many times you ask me the answer is still-" he looks down at me and goes red.

"Fine." He says and I brighten up. "REALLY?!" He nods. "Erza and Laxus you guys can sing!" Without giving them time to protest I push the down the stairs towards the entrance to the ring. (Hehe how so strong reader~chan?! XD)

"Have fun~!!" I skip back up to my guild's balcony. And when I got there Natsu ran up to me. "Y/n oh god! I thought Sabertooth had got you or something!" I brush him off laughing. "Pshaw!  Natsu you worry to much." He pouts me and pulls me into a hug, making me go red. "Don't do it again ok N/n?" I nod slowly and he grins and I run to the railing and point out Erza and Laxus to Wendy and Lucy.

I feel arms snake round my waist and look up to see Gray. "I'm cold." He whines. "You're an ice wizard dummy! You can't get cold!" He just smiles and doesn't let go.

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