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An~ Hi there! I'm all better so be expecting updates more frequently (: .
Your POV:
I sat chained to the wall, my body now covered in a baby blue silk like cloth. I look around quickly, trying to yank my body away from the wall, only to have it held back. "No." I whimper, my eyes scanning for an escape route.

"They are magic concealing chains." The man that owned my old prisons voice rang in my ears, causing my head to spin. "Don't bother trying to escape." I could feel his hot breath on my ear, like he was actually there.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I cry out, kicking round on the cobble floor. "Now now my dear, get comfortable, your going to stay here forever." I scream at the voice, I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears. I struggled until I saw a figure outside my cell.

"So you're the one they call 'Angel Slayer?' You look as weak as a pup to me." I grit my teeth, he unlocks the cell and walks over to me, throwing Lucy onto the bed next to me. "STOP!" I shout angrily, tears of memories streaming over my red cheeks. He walks over to me, lifting my chin to face him.

"You won't kill what the earth made to cure it. You are a monster so you'll be treated as one." I pull my face away from him. "Would a monster kill the biggest threat to the people of Fiore?" I ask as he begins to walk away, I feel my cuffs melting around my wrists. The guard began to back away, as I looked at the floor, my legs feeling like marshmallows.

"You have to listen to me, Gate Angels are evil! They trick you into thinking they're doing good but they suck the life out of you till you're a hollow shell." I pleaded, as I crumpled to the ground near the cell door. The guard looked around before laughing and kicking my side. "You've lost your sanity after being in a cell for 15 hours? Pathetic." He left, the clinking of the key in the lock ran through my head.

I threw myself at the cell bars in blistering fury, my eyes burning up with rage. "YOULL DIE!" I scream down the hallway. Slowly, a black figure emerged in front of me. "It's useless." It purred, advancing towards me at snail pace. "When this is all over, I'll have the head of an Angel Slayer on my wall." It slowly circled me, the hairs on the back of my neck raised.

"You're weak! And with you locked up here, the guard eliminated his only chance to survive." The being taunted. "Say 'Hi' to Pascal when you see him for me will ya'?" He chuckled as he disappeared. "NO!" I shriek, lunging at the being as his body faded. Yelping as I hit the floor, I sit up and cradle the arm I landed on.

"Lucy?" I call out into the darkness, her blonde hair falling like honey from a bee hive onto the floor. "Lucy?!" I drag myself over to her, my body screaming out internally. I bring myself up at her height. "Luce?" She turns to face me, her face had no eyes and blood trickling down her face. I gasp and throw myself away.

"Why didn't you protect us Y/n?" I hear Natsu's voice shout in anger. "Only care about yourself do ya?" I hear Gajeel growl.

"Y/n.. I thought we were like sisters." I see Erza getting the life sucked out of her by an angel. "ERZA NO!" I run towards the scene, only to hit an invisible shield. Her body crumples to the floor as my hands whack the barrier over and over, crying out for my scarlet haired friend.

"It's useless." The black beings voice echoed. "GET LOST!" I shout, running into the centre of a fire like thing. A purple dragon looms over me, his eyes showed blood thirst. "GET OUT THE WAY BAKA!" I feel myself shoved against rubble as Sting darts in front of me. "All your good at is getting in people's way! Just get lost." I see Rogue stand over me, grimacing.

"This is all my fault." Everything around me dissolves and  I'm back in the mouldy cell. Lucy is crouched in front of me, my body is aching and tired, my vision closing in. "NATSU!" I hear Lucy's voice sing, fire crackling and burning around her voice. My body goes limp as I slowly float in darkness.

"Hello again Y/n! Long time, no speak." Pascal's kind voice sounds in my head. "Listen closely, as you've said, you must destroy the Gate Angel at any cost, some friends WILL turn against you, just keep moving towards the light ok?" I feel myself nod. "I'm always here for you."

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