My Rage

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Your P.O.V:
Natsu and Gajeel were getting beaten really badly. I still knew Natsu didn't want any help but it looks so upsetting. Him and Gajeel were just trapped on the floor completely paralysed and looking like wounded animals. "Take this Natsu! And you new guy. You will never be apart of the new guild I create! I'll kick all you weaklings out!" He was stomping on top of Gajeel's head like he was a bug. I couldn't take it anymore I let anger get the best of me and went for it.

"You've done it now Laxus!" I said my voice sounding low and angry. He looked across at me. "What did ya say y/n?!" I looked at him straight in the eye. "The other people in the guild may not be able to protect themselves from you so I'll do it for them!" Laxus stared at me like I slapped him in the face. "You won't torment my friends any longer!" I screamed.

Laxus' P.O.V:
She actually stood up to me. Who would've thought the girl who was petrified of me 3 years ago would actually stand up to me. Who does she think she is! She isn't even an S-class wizard. She would be no match for me. "I don't see why you should protect them." I scoffed. She shot her head up to glare at me. "I mean if they're so weak why are they even in the guild? A guild is for wizards and wizards can NEVER be weak!"

Your P.O.V:
"YOU MONSTER!" I screamed. I touched the black side of my yin and yan and chanted my spell."I beg of thee call upon the third body of the holy angels. Turn my heart into pure light but my soul into darkness. Help me wield an Angels magic. Black Angel Transformation!" My hair turned Jet Black (ignore if already black) and my eyes turned animal like but red. My black wings spread out and katanas appeared in each of my hands. "Prepare to meet your fate Laxus!"

I jumped towards him my swords ready. "Lightning Dragon Roar!" I he shouted in desperation. I cut through the attack with ease and landed a single foot strike into his stomach. He coughed and used a lightning move which I easily countered and brought my hands into a wing shape. "Black Angel Screech!" I screamed. Hitting him full on in the chest. Laxus looked shocked and slowly stood up. "Y-your amazing at Magic Y/n." He growled. "But what about hand to hand combat?" My swords clashed into his hand and we fought for about 2 minutes until he had me under his foot.

"You see Y/n? I always win. A measly girl like you only had a chance with magic against me anyway." He glanced across at Eclipse. "Aww what do we have here a puppy?" He hit her square on in the face with a lightning bolt. "Eclipse, NO!!" I screamed. I felt rage simmer up inside me. I felt myself heat up and suddenly one of my black wings disappeared and in its place a white wing. I had merged my bodies to one.

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