Seeking for the Clock

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Your P.O.V:
Today's been pretty normal,a few fights here and there. That was, until a girl with long brown hair came in. She was dressed in an old fashioned dress and a bonnet. She looked pretty happy. Though, as soon as I saw her, I immediately didn't trust her.

"Is Miss Lucy Heartfilia here?" She asked me, I nod and point to the blonde celestial Mage who's talking to Mira. She thanks me and goes over to Lucy, handing her a dark brown case. Lucy's eyes well up as she looks at it, a small, sad smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Well aren't you gonna open it?" Natsu asks, hands behind his head. Lucy smiles at him and clicks the case open. We all cough as dust comes out of it. Behind the dust reveals an odd looking object, with one part long and the other like a circle. I look at it in confusion, I recognise it from somewhere.

I head over to the library whilst everyone is debating at what the unknown object may be. I sit on a bean bag (I don't care if they don't have them in Fairy Tail :P) and flicked through a few books I head read.

It had been a few hours and I felt my eyes become droopy as I came to the end of the last book... And there I saw it, a large clock which was placed on a pillar with hands (of course) I jump up with joy, still looking at it, the text below said 'key to the starry heavens.'
I check the book out then run to the guild almost tripping over someone...

"Hey gorgeous." The blonde dragon slayer says smirking. "I'd watch where you're going beautiful, or you could bump into someone who isn't as nice as me." He says, putting an arm around me. "How about we go get a coffee some-" I cut him off by elbowing him in the stomach. "Not a good time Sting! I am in a big hurry! Go hit on one of your fan girls."

I burst through the guild doors, sweat trickling down my forehead which I remove with the back of my hand. "I-I found something!" I pant, handing the book out for Erza to take. She smiles before taking it of me and heading over to the group. With Michelle still here *growl*.

After a bit of reading we decide to go outside and look for the clock pieces it said is needed. Just as we are about to leave we're stopped by a group of three people. One man and two girls, one noticeably younger than the rest.

"Hand over Lucy Heartfilia!" The older girl with dark hair days. I step in front of Lucy and shake my head. "Nope. Not happening." I say angrily. Before they can contradict what I said Natsu charges at them, his hand ablaze. "Go my hounds." The man with weird blonde hair says. Green slime oozes from his jacket, engulfing Natsu and putting out his flame.

"Go for her!" The younger one says, pointing at me. "She went against our wishes!" The blonde man nods and aims his slime at me. "Black Angel Transformation!" I yell, flying up where it can't get me, taking Lucy with me. Melody carries Michelle up too. The new comers stare at me in awe. "What magic is that?" The dark haired girl mutters, waving her stick-hand at me. "I can't control her magic!" She whines

I smirk and fly off, placing Lucy far away in the woods. "Go Lucy! Try and find one of the clock pieces!" She gives me a hug before running off with Michelle who Melody just placed down. I nod Melody and we fly back to the guild where things aren't too good. "Unison raid to wipe em out quickly?" I ask nudging her. "Yes! We've been practicing this for a while now!" She says excitedly.

"White Fairy Screech! Black Angel Screech!" We merge them together and they hit the evil trio, wiping them out instantly, apart from the young girl, who jumped on the mountain and ran up it to look for Lucy and Michelle. When we fly down and help everyone up Lucy comes running to us with Michelle, the clock piece case gone. "They've got the piece!" Lucy wails.

"It's ok we'll get it back! Along with the other clock pieces." She smiles and we do the Fairy Tail sign.

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