My Past and The Village's end

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Your P.O.V:

"Bye Guys!" I yell into the Guild Hall.
"I'm going." Natsu and Gray stared at me. "No! Y/n! Ever since you've got back you've never had time to hang out with us like the good old days!" They said in unison.

I laugh. "I'll be back in a week guys! Afterwards I'm sure I'll have time." I look over at Mira, Cana and Lucy. "Bye Mira, Cana! And you too Lucy." They wave back and Erza and I set off leaving Fairy Tail way behind us."

Erza and I walked in silence, Eclipse padding along next to me. I felt a bit awkward but I don't think Erza really noticed. I wonder what she's thing about.

Erza's P.O.V:
Y/n has been awfully quiet. I wonder what's up with her. I've been waiting for her to talk since I'm not very good at conversation starters. I look across at her and see her staring into the distance. I'm her Best Friend! I should say something! I open my mouth to speak but Y/n speaks first.

"So Erza." She sighs. "What were you up to whilst I was gone?" She asks. I smile at her and look ahead. "Well, I got S-class, as you can tell." She laughs. "I've basically been training. Meeting old friends, new people." I look back at Y/n. "I guess you could say it's been pretty normal." I laugh too, being in Y/n's presence is so refreshing

I look ahead and something that has been bugging me came into my head. "Hey... Y/n?" I say. "Yeh Erza?" She smiles the smile from our childhood. "I was wondering... How'd you go missing and what did they do to you?" She sighs and looks to the floor. "Can I tell you what they did to us another day?" She asks. "Sure." I say. "Okay here's how I went missing."

Your P.O.V:
"It was the Cherry Blossom festival. And I was meant to be singing so I was getting ready when Natsu ran up to me. He told me people were terrorising these kids and they needed to be taught a lesson. I wasn't to sure but I followed him out of curiosity. These men were beating these kids and slinging them over there shoulders once they'd been knocked out.

Natsu shouted at them and told them to knock it off and put the kids down. They groaned at him and went to throw one of those magic preventing chains at him. I was scared for him and I didn't wanna see him get hurt so I shoved him out of the way so it hit me instead. They knocked Natsu out and took me away, I screamed Gray's, yours and Mira's name but none of you came to help. So I was gone." I finished.

Erza placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me but before I could thank her I gasped. The village, it was on fire! There were screams from people and laughter from others. " Someone!" A woman screamed. "HELP!" I ran into the village engulfed by smoke.

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