Revenge for Melody

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Your P.O.V:
"Wow Y/n~San!" Wendy breathed as I dropped her safely on the ground with returned else. "Your power is amazing!" She gushed. I smile at her, thanking her. "Wendy, your too kind!" I say. We look up at Christina, our back up Jet plane. I smiled, "here we come Oracion Seis! Prepare yourselves!" I thought smiling. Christina suddenly made a juddering sound before one of its engines blew up causing us to gasp in horror. It crashed to the ground stirring up smoke everywhere. "They're here!" Natsu growled cracking his knuckles excitedly. Gray pushed him aside. "Outta my way Flamebrain!" He yelled. "I want first punch." I looked through the mist. 6 figures stood staring at us, awaiting our first move.

Wendy's P.O.V:
Y/n~San pushed me behind her when the 6 figures stood out of the smoke. I clutched her arm, afraid of them already. Natsu and Gray immediately went in to punch them but were hit by this guy who moves CRAZY fast called Racer I think. "I'll take care of Angel!" The Blue Pegasus boys yell, but were quickly taken out by Racer too.

"Requip!" Erza~San shouted. "Flight Armour." She attacked Racer with great speed but the guy with the snake took her down as well. "I see you!" One of the Oracion Seis said. A big wave of sand hit Sherry and Lyon. Engulfing them entirely. Lucy got out her whip, but Angel used one of her keys to make Lucy whip herself. It was just me and Y/n~San left. "Wendy." The leader said. He walked forward but Y/n blocked him. "Wanna get to her?" She asked. "You're gonna hafta go through me!" She yelled. I could tell Y/n was petrified but she was being brave, for me.

"I recognise you!" The boy with the snake said to Y/n. "You were at that village the other day, weren't you? The one we burnt down." Y/n's face looked up angrily. "YOU DID WHAT?" She shouted. "You saved that little girl before I could kill her, didn't you, Melody was it?" He smirked at her, her eyes set ablaze. "DON'T SPEAK HER NAME!" Y/n shouted. Angel grinned. "We'll take you on one after another." She said. "Because Angel's make things fair." She smiled.

"Racer... Go!" The leader yelled. Racer sped towards Y/n ready to kick her. There was a thud and Y/n grabbed his leg. She through him off the cliff where they were standing. They looked at her shocked. "Angel, you're up." She sighed "Open gate of the twins!" She announced. "Gemini!" They morphed into Y/n, but Y/n was too quick and she got out one of her Angel swords and sliced them in two. Angel brought out Aries, and Scorpio but they all fell to the hands of Y/n. Angel stumbled backwards defeated.

"H-hot eye!" The leader shouted. "I see you!" Hot eye said, but then Y/n turned invisible. "Because I'm an Angel, I own all of heavens souls, I guess you could say I have ghost magic too!" Y/n laughed. She took out Hot eye with a kick to the head and a sword to the stomach. "Ugh!" The leader growled.

"MIDNIGHT! Wake up!" He shouted. The guy on the floating carpet didn't wake up. "ATTACK HER!" The leader shouted. Y/n smirked and used her palm to hit Midnight in the chest. Then again in the stomach, she then back kicked him with all her force so he fell off the cliff, unconscious.

"Cobra!" The Leader roared. "You're up!" Y/n stood still then turned invisible. "Mind Block!" I heard her chant. "Boss..." Cobra said worriedly. "I can't hear her thoughts." He was kicked in the throat by Y/n. Cobra growled, his snake sprouted wings and flew up. He grew dragon hands and smirked. "Poison Dragon Roar!" He shouted aiming for Y/n (who was now visible.

She dodged with ease. "Taking the Battle to the sky are we?" Y/n asked. She looked to her wolf who was sat by a boulder at the back. "Eclipse!" Y/n shouted. "Aid me to take down what's hurt us. Let your battle form show!"

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