Saving Lucy

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Your P.O.V:
We arrived back at the guild after escaping the Oracion Seis clutches. Sitting down, Master decides we need to take IMMEDIATE action. "Cana! Please do your card teams." Master said as the drunk brunette came over.

"Lucy, Natsu, Elfman, Michelle and Y/n. " Cana hiccups, I fist bump Natsu and high five Lucy and Elfman. We run out the guild before we here the other teams. We go to our scheduled place and wait. I begin to become enraged by Michelle's presence. Something about her today is seemingly off.

"So... Michelle. We're you surprised by the Oracion Seis?" I ask curiously, rocking back and fourth on my heals. She turns to me her face getting a tad flustered. Then she gives me a closed eye smile, "Of course I was Y/n!" She says, looking at Lucy. "Because by the way Midnight looked at you, it looked like you knew each other." I say completely focuses on my goal. I need to find out! There is definitely something up with her.

Her lucky break was when the scheduled Oracion Seis member showed up. The giant mechanical bear. It grins whilst turning its wheel. "Lucky dip!" It squealed annoyingly. It lands on lightning and we all get shocked by a single bolt. My head is swirling, I am really not used to being hit by electricity.

"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" Natsu shouts, running at him. "I summon Aquarius!" Lucy screams, the mermaid coming out of a puddle. "Beast mode!" Elfman yells. I just stand back a bit as a reserve. 'I'll only help if I really need to.' I think, I them look at Michelle who is showing no emotion.

"Round and round we go!" The bear laughs, spinning everyone's attack to hit each other. He chuckles like a clown before pointing at Michelle. "Show your true for Imitatia! The time has come." Michelle looks sad and Lucy rushes over to her. "This isn't true Michelle is it? You haven't been lying to us?" Michelle look into the distance and I yank Lucy back.

"I knew something was up with her." I mutter, staring at the now transforming Michelle. She appears with her hair stuck up and vines wrapped around her. She holds out her hand to Lucy. Just when Lucy is about to take it Natsu rushes in for a punch. "NO!" Lucy cries out. Hearing his comrades outburst he turned and in turn was punched by Michelle.

"Take em away." The bear cackles and Michelle stabs Lucy and Natsu with a poison jab. I slowly back away, not wanting that to be my fate. "Why'd you do that Michelle?" I growl, ready to summon my katana. She just smirks and I feel something prickly begin to wrap around my ankle. "What the-" I begin but am cut off by her hand around my throat. "I haven't and never will be your friend! I guess you were right Y/n. I'm not who I say I am. You'll make a wonderful hostage though."

I am now wrapped fully in vines, over my face and eyes I feel them constricting me, I slowly black out to the feeling of dragging.

~time skip~

I wake up to the smell of fire, yes fire. And wherever there is fire, there is Natsu. "Ah your awake at last... Y/n." I hear a male voice say. And there in front of me was the man I took down ages ago. I barely remember him. The only thing that strikes me as familiar is the hair and the way he liked to sleep all the time.


"We assume you recognise her." He says, turning the vines to face a pinned Lucy. I gasp and try to struggle free, the thorns digging into my skin. "Ah ah ah. There is nothing you can do so don't bother struggling." He lifts up my face with his middle and index finger. Closely surveying it from my hair to my chin. He smirks them drops it.

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