Guess who's back

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Your P.O.V:
I feel my eyes crusty in the corners, I wake up on a forest floor. I sink my nails into the dirt beneath me, in appreciation that it's actually there. "Ugh." I hear Lucy moan next to me. I give a laugh, but stop quickly because it hurts my ribs. I my left eye starts to really sting too. I lift my hand up to it but immediately pull it away due to searing pain, I cry out in agony. Blood tripping from my fingers, the blood that used to be inside my head. Erza tries to get up too quickly and collapses, but Natsu helps me up so I'm sat upright and looks at my eye. He gasps shocked and tears of one of his tassels of his trousers and puts it over my eye.

I cry out in pain again because of the contact and he looks at me apologetically. After about 5 minutes my wound has stopped bleeding and all is left is a thin line where something had sliced me. I stand up, Natsu still helping me due to a gash on my ribs. I smile at him then shake him off me once I'm up. A black cat emerges from the bushes, carrying what looks like a kind of rope. He tugs at it and a familiar face falls to the floor. I stand back at the sight of her. I can't believe my eyes.


She looks up and squeals launching herself into him in an attempt of a hug. "Gah!" He shouts as he lands on the floor. I hold back a laugh with all my might. I just stand next to Erza, half propped up against her.

She sees me and runs to give me a hug. I hug her back, ignoring the searing pain from my rib. She in turn hugs Erza, then Gray and goes back to Natsu. "Your Lucy right?" She asks, correctly pointing at Lucy. "And you must be Wendy." She says pointing at the petit girl. I can't wait to see everyone again.

I head back to the guild on Erza's back because my rib is hurting, she doesn't mind. Natsu offered to carry me but Erza hit him on the head saying it would be wrong for him to carry me. Wendy heals me and then Natsu kicks down the doors. "WE MADE IT BACK ALIVE!" Everyone laughs and carries on talking. "Y/N!" I hear little Melody squeal.

I turn just in time to receive a hug from her. Luckily my ribs were better now. She looks up to see Eclipse flying next to me. "Who's that?" She asks them in turn looks around the room. "And where is Eclipse?!" She looks really upset now. I look at Eclipse. "I am here!" She squeaks and Melody looks up at her, confused. "Liar! Eclipse is a wolf!" She then goes to walk away but then Eclipse transforms into her wolf self. "Melody I'm here!" She says. Melody turns around, then smiles and hugs the wolf. "How come you were a cat?" She asks, braking the hug and rubbing the small tears from her eyes.

"I know transformation magic. But I only know a wolf so far." She explains. "My actual for is technically called an Exceed." Melody nods. I suddenly realise I'm missing the biggest reunion in history. I run off to the graveyard, not noticing I gripped Melody's hand in the process.

I make it just in time to see the siblings hug, misty eyed from the overwhelming turn of events. I smile knowing my work here is done.
(A/n~ sorry the reunion was short, but I'm really tired so I want this chapter over with :P)

After a load of partying to celebrate Lisanna's return I leave the guild and sit in my favourite spot outside in the whole of Fiore. It's by a beck in the forest and I carved two seats into a boulder. I must have been sat there for about 5 minutes when I hear footsteps behind me. "Y/n?" I hear a sweet voice say. I turn around to see Melody and I pat the seat next to me.

She sits down and snuggles up to me. "I miss my real Mum, Y/n." I look down at her, feeling the sympathy. "But I know you'll take good care of me right?" She looks up at me. "Melody..." I say looking at a deer grazing in the woods. "You know I can't protect you forever. There may be a time when I'm not around to help you." She looks at me right in the eyes, making me feel awkward. "So I'm going to try and teach you my magic, as best I can ok?" Her face brightens up. "You mean I can be those pretty scary people?" She asks hopefully. I laugh.

"Yes Melody. Then you can protect yourself, and one day be even stronger than me."

A/n~ Hii :). Ok here's the deal. I don't know if I should do an X reader or not. Because they seem really fun to write. So I don't know. I wanna know what you guys think. It won't be coming out for awhile though if I decide to do one. Byee <3

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