Erza's Past

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Your P.O.V:
"Hey Erza!" I said walking up to her. She was alone and in the corner of the guild hall. "Oh, hey y/n." She mumbled and went back to stabbing her strawberry cheese cake with a fork. "You ok?" I asked. "You don't really seem like yourself tonight." She looked up at me, her eyes glassy and filled with tears. "Y/n I'm fine." I sighed staring at her with dismay. "Erza, I've known you for a long time. We are really close friends. You can trust me!" I told her. "Fine..." She said. "But can we leave the guild hall, please? I don't want anyone to hear this."

Erza's P.O.V:
We left the guild and stood on one of the balconys of Magnolia staring out onto the mountains. "It was him Y/n." I said, looking up at her. "Jellal is... M-mystogan." Y/n looked perplexed. I realised I hadn't told anyone of my past, I really need to get it off my chest.

"When I was a little girl, I grew up in Rosemary village." I began. "It was peaceful there, people never had a lot of money, but we were happy nonetheless. Until one night, these strange men came bearing a symbol nobody had seen before, it was a child hunt." I paused to check y/n had absorbed the information and then carried on."Many kids were taken, and many adults were killed. I was amongst the kids who were taken. We were dumped in a place called 'The tower of Heaven' they made us work all day and sometimes night with very little food.

In my cell was a boy named Jellal. We became good friends over the few years we were there but one day we tried to escape. We were caught."  Y/n was staring at me shocked and urging me to go on. "It was Sho's idea but they blamed me instead and took me away, they tortured me and left me. Jellal came to my rescue but when we were on our way out were caught once again. This time, they punished Jellal. By the time I got to him he seemed different. He kept talking about Zeref and how we must revive him. He kept everyone behind at the 'Tower of Heaven' apart from me but I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Before you came back, Y/n, we were taken by Jellal and all my old friends back to the 'Tower of Heaven' we barely escaped with our lives. Jellal even killed Simon! One of my closest friends. And now I see him again, here in Magnolia, as Mystogan."

Y/n put her arm round me and pulled me in. "Don't worry Erza, I won't let anybody hurt you or our guild. But remember there is always good in people you just have to find it." I nodded,  y/n and I we walk the path of light not darkness like Jellal.

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