Y/n vs Evergreen

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Natsu's P.O.V:
"Y/n!" I shouted. She was huddled with her knees to her chest, her eyes hidden by her hair. "Are you ok?" I ask, kind of knowing she'd say yes. "I-I'm fine." She muttered. Standing up slowly, she rubbed the back of her neck. Then I saw her eyes darken as rage took over her. "Y/n? You ok?" I ask, trying to calm her down. But she just looks straight ahead, at where Laxus once was. I'm fine!" She grumbles at last. But then she clenches her fist, trembling in rage.

" But Laxus won't be soon!" She ran out the door smacking her face on the force field. "KYAA!" She squealed stumbling backwards. "Ha!" Gajeel snorted. "You ain't getting out of that, it's Freed's and he is very precise!" She turned her around her e/c eyes turning Crimson. "Watch me Baka!" She growled. She placed her hand on Freed's enchantment and it turned purple like poison and it began to crack. It cracked all the way up the board until it shattered. The results table was still there. She ran off and left me, Master and Gajeel flabbergasted.

Your P.O.V:
I ran down the Main Street of Magnolia, it was the only place I could say I knew pretty well round here. After wandering for a bit I came across Evergreen, a battered Elfman at her feet. "Oh what do we have here?" She giggled behind her fan swiftly shutting it with a snap for affect."New girl?" She asked pulling her glasses down to look at me. "No Evergreen I was with Fairy Tail before you." I said lowering into my fighting stance, Eclipse's back curled and snarling. "Oh is that so?" She laughed amused by my presence. "Yes!" I said trying to sound confident.

"Well..." She began. "I was gonna go easy on you but clearly I don't have to." She threw her arms up into the air. "Taste this!" At least a million swords were flying through the air straight for me. "Eclipse!" I shouted. "Block them." She nodded and a black barrier appeared between us blocking every sword. "Good job!" I gushed.

Evergreen was still standing there smirking. "Oh it's not over yet y/n! This fairy is just getting started!" I looked at Eclipse and we both knew we would have to try a little harder. I stroked my necklace that my angel gave me. And I realised what I could do.

I pressed the white side of my yin and yan necklace and began my spell. "I beg of thee call upon my second body of the holy angels. Turn my heart to pure darkness and my soul to light. Give me the power to wield an Angels magic. White angel transformation!"

My hair turned blonde (ignore if it is blonde) and my white angel wings spread. Evergreen looked at me in shock."B-but that's impossible! Nobody can wield an Angels spell!" I laughed and looked to Eclipse. "I can." I said , gradually." I am an Angel Slayer!"

Evergreen was paralysed in fear as I chanted my first spell. "White Angel Screech!" Like a Dragon's roar but more powerful. Evergreen was on the floor, twitching in pain. "Undo the spell or I'll bring you more pain!" I whispered in her ear. Evergreen looked up sadly but a look of hatred too. "Yes ma'am." She muttered in defeat.

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