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An~I am sorry for those who love to follow the story exactly but I'm going COMPLETELY off the book here. Happy reading <3
Your POV~
"Y/n! Get over here right now!" Laxus tells from the entrance arch. I was adjusting the flannel long sleeved top I had around my waist. "Coming!" I shouted back, letting my hair fall down.

"And in 2nd place! Is..." I run after my team as they walk into the daylight. "Fairy Tail B!!" I stumble through just in time and wave to the crowd, everyone looked shocked, but still clapped. "Woah! She's hot!" I heard one guy yell from the stands, I turn to face him and he's pointing directly at me, soon other men join in suit and wolf whistles echo through the stadium.

"I'm not holding back you guys!" Natsu snarls at Gajeel. "Neither are we, right Y/n?" Gajeel snickers. Natsu immediately looks dumbfounded. "Y/n is cheering for us not-- Y/N! How are we going to win now?!" Natsu whines, going over to Gray. "In 1st is SABER TOOTH!" The announcer booms and in walks their guild, Sting showing off as always. He looks my way and winks, I wave to him whilst looking at the leader board.

"So Wendy is still out cold with Mel hm?" I hear Mira whisper behind me, my spine tingles at the thought of poor Melody, weak and defenceless. "They'll be ok.." I half-smile, turning to Team Natsu and waving to Erza. "And now for the first game is...HIDDEN! Pick one person to represent your team!"

"OOH! OOH! ILL GO! PICK ME PICK ME!" I squeal jumping up and down happily. "Ok Y/n, knock em' dead." Laxus smiles, ruffling my hair. I grin and bound off to the rest. "Hey Gray!" I say, waving at him. "O-oh hey Y/n..." Gray says going red with nerves presumably. "Ah! Y/n we meet again! And your still stunning!" Lyon says, kissing my hand.

I withdraw it and wish Gray good luck before disappearing. "Ok!" I say to myself, targets are: Rufus, Beth, Eve,Mal Pudding Gray, Lyon and that Cerberus guy." I mutter to myself. Copies of everyone appear around me, I smirk, this'll be easy. "Let the match begin!" I begin walking slowly like my clones, not making any sudden movements.

I suddenly see a flash of purple. 'Mal Pudding.' I grin before dodging his punch. I summon my katana and strike him before he is able to attack again. He groans as he disappears. I smile, well that's one point to my team. I suddenly feel cold and snow begins to fall, I start to shiver uncontrollably. The ground rumbles beneath my feet. I spring back onto my hands and flip back over, narrowly dodging an ice attack.

'Phew! That was close!' I scream in my head, my tongue tastes like sandpaper due to anticipation. "Memory!" I hear Rufus shout. Stars shine from the sky, plummeting towards me. "Angels shield!" I scream on the spare of the moment, the attack hits my shield, but not me. The attack was super strong though. I need to get this over with and win for my team.

I climb to one of the highest buildings. "Angels Anatomy!" I scream, nobody can escape this attack, it comes from the inside out, its implanted inside of them and attacks the nerve system. I hear screams of pain all through the town, I hate that sound, but it's for my team. "I'm sorry Gray!!" I scream through the town.

I look for Gray and find him crouched on the floor, unlike his clones. "Hit me." I smile and he doesn't hesitate and hits me with ice make hammer. I disappear and am back in the stadium.

"Y/n!" I hear Mira scream. She gives me a bone crushing hug. "Well done!" Gajeel says socking me in the arm. "Ow." I giggle then I rush over to Gray. "Hey bud. You good?" He manages a smile before standing. "Yup." He strains. I get out my angel powers. "Pain relief." I smile, my hands glowing white. "Thanks Y/n!" He grins standing up. "For that and letting me earn a point." I smile and head back to my stand.

"Hey gorgeous." I hear the voice of Sting say behind me. "Never thought someone as beautiful as you knew requip." He grins, leaning against the wall. "I am a slayer idiot." I laugh punching him. "Cool what kind of Dragon slayer?" He asks keenly, I smirk. "Who said I was a dragon slayer?"

Fairy Tail's Angel slayer Where stories live. Discover now