Miss Fairy Tail?

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Your P.O.V:

I guess Fairy Tail really hasn't changed. As soon as Master found out I was back, they threw a huge party in honour of my return. It was completely off the rails.

Nobody was measuring anyone's intake of alcohol and by 12 am half the guild were down for the count. I smile at a sleeping Natsu, with Lucy next to him along with happy. "Nalu!" I squeal, then I turn and leave the guild. I decided enough was enough and even though I love my guild it was time to go home. I walk to my house in the forest with Eclipse by my side.

It was peaceful, I used to adore it because at night the fireflies would come out by the weeping willow near my lake and glisten and dance. I take my key which was at the guild and place it into the lock, grinning as it clicks.

I open the door and everything inside is SUPER dusty. Eclipse growls as a rat runs through my kitchen. "It's ok! I'll clean up." And I set to work, cleaning every inch of the house until it shined. Then I flopped onto my freshly cleaned bed and looked at my f/c walls, I felt my myself drift off into a deep slumber.

~time skip to next day~

I guess I timed my return pretty well considering the Fairy Tail parade was tonight.  Eclipse was pawing at my duvet begging me to wake up.

"Y/n!" She moaned. "If you don't get up now Y/n, you won't have time to make your float!! And I know how much you loved that!" I slowly rolled out of bed and rubbed my fingers against my temple. I got changed into a pair of denim shorts and a white tank top and left my apartment. Today was going to be perfect. I already had an image of my float. I shoved slice of toast into my mouth as I glanced at the clock. And I ran to the guild after locking up my house.

Natsu's P.O.V:

"Hey Happy!" I shout across the guild hall. "Have you seen y/n today?" Happy furrows his forehead and shakes his head." No actually, I haven't." I glanced at the clock with concern. "She should be here. It's 1pm!" I feel a fist connect with my jaw, "Why'd you care Pyro?" Gray smirks. I punch him back. "I don't want her to go missing again Ice Princess!"

Suddenly the double door opens. A very tired y/n walks in followed by Eclipse. "Mornin'!" She says before heading over to the master. Her hair flowed down in front of her face, I didn't get time to look any longer, as Gray threw a chair at me. "Stop checking her out Walking Furnace!" I crack my knuckles and run at him.

~Time skip a few hours~

"Hey Y/n?!" I shout after her as she's heading out to check the festival. "Are out entering the Miss Fairy Tail contest?" She looked perplexed and shook her head. "No, sorry Natsu I'm not." I stared at her my eyes wide in shock." But you have to!" I whine. "It's got prize money and you can kick people like Lucy and Erza butts!" I fake a punching action, earning a tired laugh from her.

Her face suddenly got a mock of seriousness. "Did you say I can kick ERZA to the kurb?!" She asked, curiosity getting the better of her. "Okay Natsu, sure I'll enter!" She laughs evilly, she's got the same rivalry as me and Gray, except her and Erza are BEST friends and Gray and I aren't.

She runs off, Eclispe at her heals. "Oi! Salamander!" Gajeel shouts. I turn around and walk over to him. "Waddya want?" I ask and he just smirks. "Who's better Y/n or Lucy?" I grow red. "Dunno. They're my sisters, not my lovers." Though in my head it did pain me to hear Y/n call Gray her best friend and not me.

Gajeel shrugs. "Whatever you say Salamander. But Angel Slayer over there and Cheerleader, they're gonna get a boy real soon and-" Gajeel suddenly stopped, covering his mouth. I tilt my head to the side. "Y/n's a cheerleader?" I ask confused.  Gajeel sweat drops.

"Look here Salamander, I'm not supposed to tell you, Y/n told me to keep it a secret. But, Y/n is an Angel Slayer." I nod, realising Lucy is the cheerleader. "What's that?" I ask him, he sweat drops again. "It means she like us, but for angels. And I would betcha she's stronger than you." And with that he walks away sniggering.

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