See you again

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Your P.O.V:

I have a deep throbbing pain in the base of my head. I suddenly jolt awake, sweat beads dripping down my forehead. My skin looks flawless, untouched, like everything that occurred was a mere nightmare spun by my twisted memories.

Looking around me to see the whole of Tenrou, my confusion only deepens.

I died. I know I did.

Everything was so real in my memory, so jarring and utterly scathing. And yet, my body shows no sign of having been in an intense battle. From a third party perspective, I probably looked like somebody who napped in the sun after a hard days work.

"Hello Y/n!" A youthful female voice chirped in my vicinity. I'll be the first to admit, it made me jump, snapping me out of my reverie entirely.

"I've been watching you and all your guild mates on this Island, but you seem to be somewhat more interesting than the others." The owner of the voice appears, hovering a mere few metres away from me; at mere glance, she looked like an Angel.

I smile up at her, my way of thanking her for the compliment while my voice refuses to become a part of this greeting.

Upon finding it I say: "I hope this doesn't offend you but, who are you?" I ask shyly. She just laughs more, like my question was the most absurd thing she had heard

. "Well I'm Master Mavis silly, the first master of the very guild you love and protect! You're guild mates just left the island." She didn't sound too impressed at my lack of knowledge surrounding the guild.

Mental note: Read guild history to prevent further insulting to ancestors of Fairy Tail

I look at her in shock, managing a polite wave of thanks.

So this hadn't been a twisted nightmare, but rather real life! I rush to the edge of the island, seeing the Fairy Tail boat, already set sail and making its way steadily back to main shore.

Taking in a large amount of air, I let out a sigh. "They probably won't want to see me." I mutter to myself.

It made sense, I had caused so much anguish due to the most recent decisions I had made regarding protecting everyone.

Turning around, Master Mavis is stood behind me, of course causing me to jump again. "On the contrary Y/n! You're the only person their desperate to see again."

Frozen, it takes a while for my brain to catch up. Of course they would like to see me! They're my family! The people I fought to protect. The people who stayed by my side while I was in agony.

I transform into my White Angel and fly after them as fast as my wings can carry me, leaving the first Master to her island.

A slight gust blows against me, hindering the efforts I make to get to the boat as quickly as possible.

After some time, the boat has docked at the harbour and everyone is getting off, in line and without any words or joyous exchanges being said between them

I falter in my flight. Something is telling me not to show my face. I try to push it out my head put the feeling keeps returning. Before I know it, I hit the sea. I feel the bubbles surround me in fury that I'm destroying their peace. I was almost a the harbour.

I rise up from the water coughing and spluttering. I wasn't expecting to hit the water. I suddenly realise all eyes of the Fairy Tail guild on me, probably due to the disturbance of the rather large splash I made.

"H-hi guys!" I call out. Natsu steps closer, inspecting my face. He shakes his head in disbelief. I hear him mutter something, then without warning he jumps in, going underwater. Frowning, I start to swim toward the harbour, gasping for air.

Fairy Tail's Angel slayer Where stories live. Discover now