Y/n & Erza vs Erza

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Your P.O.V:
We saw Lucy, Carla and Happy run down the corridors of the castle, loads of guards chasing them. Chloe squeezed my hand and nodded. We secretly followed them behind the walls until they had been cornered. We felt a tap on the shoulder and suddenly Gray had pulled me into his chest whilst Erza had her sword to Chloe's neck. I tried to struggle free but Gray kept a firm grip on me. "Say your good byes Edolas Evil doer!" Erza shouts, bringing her sword up.

"W-wait!!" Chloe screamed holding her hands up to protect herself. But Erza swung her sword, Chloe immediately turned invisible and went through the sword. "Wha? How's that possible?!" Erza wailed. I scowled at my Best Friend,"If you let me finish Erza." I said angrily, elbowing Gray in the stomach."Chloe is from Fiore. She's a ghost Mage. She wants to be part of our nakama." Erza brightened up smiling.

"Really?!" Chloe appeared behind me cowering. "Oh well I apologise profusely! Gomensai!" Erza said bowing, nudging Gray to do the same. We heard Lucy scream. I immediately stopped my conversation with Erza and ran up to them, parrying (that spell checked to partying 😂) her spear with my katana. "Oh what do we have here?" A woman who looked very similar smirked. I growl at her in anger.

"I am Erza Nightwalker of the Second in Command." She said smiling. I scowled in return. "And you are?" I looked at the floor and turned to look at Gray untying Lucy, and Chloe healing the two exceeds.

I hear a scream. I know it from somewhere but I can't place a finger on it. "I am Y/n L/n of Fairy Tail. But you'll just remember me as the person who kicked your ass." I said smirking. She scowled at me.

Erza Scarlet stood next to me. "We may share the same voice 'Erza Nightwalker' but I have a completely different outlook on things." I nod at Erza and she nods back. "AAAHHHHH!" I hear that scream again. "Ahhhh!" I hear a more female one, but that could only mean... "NATSU! WENDY!" I scream, tears coming out of my eyes. I turn to Erza Nightwalker, she's ordering the guards to go, whilst smirking. "Grr! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" I ready into my fighting stance and so do the two Erza's.

"Y/n..." Erza hisses at me before we begin. "You gonna transform? Maybe we can do a unison raid!" I nod I made the Fairy Tail signal with my hand. "That's the signal. Ok?" I ask and she nods. "Begin!" Erza Nightwalker yells and we all run into each other swords and spears at hand. "Spear change! Lightning speed!" Other Erza yells. Her speed increases dramatically. "Flight Armour!" Our Erza yells. They crash into each other down the corridor. "Heavens Gashes!" I yell hitting Other Erza in the stomach. She hits the wall.

"Spear change! Fire's rage!" She smashes into me and I skid along the ground. I am already fed up with this new Erza, she's stronger then I thought. I stick the Fairy Tail sign up in the air. "I beg of thee call upon my second body of the holy angels. Turn my heart to pure darkness and my soul to light. Give me the power to wield an Angels magic. White angel transformation!" I scream. Rising up into the air the other Erza just stands watching. "White Angel Wing Slash!" I scream hitting Other Erza. "Requip! Heavens Wheel! Dance my swords!" Our Erza screams. Edolas Erza slowly gets up off the ground after all out attacks.

"SPEAR CHANGE! EXPLOSION POINT!" She jabs it at Erza Scarlet and she goes flying back, clearly injured. I am mad. I see swirls of red and black. My blood boiling inside of me. "White Angel Sacred Art!" I scream making an 'X' with my arms above my head. "Gates of Heaven!" My white portal opens and Angels and Gods come flying out. "Dance my Angels!" I screech, pointing at Other Erza. She goes flying off the balcony, no longer in our presence. I help my Best Friend up. "Thanks.. Y/n. That was c-close..."

She goes unconscious. I smile at her. Remembering it used up most of her magic power just to get herself out of the giant Lacrima. I place her in the gap between my two white wings, and fly off to find the rest of the group.

Lucy's P.O.V:
I was waking up Natsu when I see Y/n in her Angel form with Erza on her back. "What happened?!" I ask, shocked. "Other Erza..." She replies simply and places Erza on the floor. Chloe immediately goes to heal Y/n and Erza after waking Wendy up to heal Natsu.

Y/n smiles thankfully at Chloe and sits down next to me. "Are they ok?" She asks. I nod quietly looking at Wendy trying to heal Natsu. I smile at her. "Tomorrow we'll get back at those Edolas freaks! Tomorrow we'll get them back! For our friends!" Y/n shouted. Everyone nodded even Erza off the floor. We all made the Fairy Tail signs with our hands.

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